PJ Media Parenting's Best of the Web — June 30


Summer is in full swing! The days are long, and our tans are strong. Adventures are lying around every corner!


I can’t believe that the 4th of July is right around the corner! Where did June go? This is your one-stop location for all things patriotic!  Look no more, there’s even blue mustard


Follow First Time Mom and Dad for more ideas.


I have a love-hate relationship with meal planning. Life is as it should be when I meal plan. I don’t overspend at the grocery, and my husband doesn’t hound me about the bills! But, when I go weeks without it and run out of time to plan, it’s bad. So. Bad.  Impulse buying, junk food, and nothing is planned! Here’s a great compromise-

“Where I live there’s an awesome local play group. We’ve been blessed to meet many other families in the area. The other day, our playgroup talk turned to food and cooking as it often does when I’m around. (Why is that?)

We were chatting about the challenges of mid-week family dinners.  There seemed to be two camps. One group was resigned to putting up with ‘sub standard meals’ during the week and the other resorted to having dinner really late.”

Follow The Stone Soup for more inspiration and cooking encouragement.


A few Sundays ago, while at my in-laws, we unpackaged a kite meant for the kids’ enjoyment. Well, as it turns out the kids lasted about fifteen minutes, the adults, however, spent hours flying and enjoying the beautiful colors and patterns made by the kites.  Go grab one this weekend!

“When we made a decision to unplug and slow down we found it difficult to find activities our kids enjoyed that did not include loud music and video games.

So here I am having made a commitment to find an activity that fit our mandate to unplug and do something quiet.”


Follow Thinking Outside the Sandbox Family (Tots) for more family friendly ideas.


This blog post is less inspirational, more hilarious reality. I laughed out loud when I read it.  And then I laughed again the second time! I love summer, but I hate the unscheduled panic that comes with spontaneity. This was a reminder to take a deep breath and give myself, and my kids, lots of grace when it comes to summer. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Head over to This Ain’t the Lyceum for more inspiration.


This was a new site for me, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.  Are you stalled for books to read this summer?  Here’s a list of seven that are enjoyable and also add something to your marriage!  It’s a win-win.

Follow Simply Clarke.


How did your weekend go?

We’d love to hear from you!

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