PJ Media Parenting's Best of the Web—2/10


The groundhog saw his shadow and we have six more weeks of winter, folks! As surprising as that seems, it was bound to happen anyway! What I don’t understand is how we got to Valentine’s Day already! I hope your day of love is spent with all the people who make you happy.



I’m definitely not on the “in” list when it comes to updated music. Our family oscillates between K-Love, “Adventures in Odyssey” and our weekly memory work. So, imagine my delight when someone picked out some romantic songs for me to play this weekend in preparation for Valentine’s Day!

Jump over to Garvin and Co to find more great ideas.


Have you heard about the newest mindset taking the culture by storm? The Danish idea of hygge? It’s all about settling in for a long winter of coziness and doing whatever makes you feel relaxed. Sounds like a great way to make it through the winter to me!

Hygge is all about living in the moment, and one of the simplest ways to do this is… stay off your phone. But during any downtime at home or with friends, my hand starts autonomously grasping around for my phone like it’s a lifeboat. Before you know it, I’ve liked an Adventure Cat pic and tuned out the conversation. Lately I’ve been leaving my phone in my purse, which has helped temper my addiction.”

Follow Cup of Joe.



There’s not much to say about this post—it’s a delightful reminder from Emily at The Freckled Fox that life is fleeting, so work hard to enjoy each moment and treasure the time we have with the ones we love.

I want to teach them that they don’t have to follow the crowd and do what everyone else is doing, but that they must also never give up love and respect for others that make choices differently than we do. There are so many dark forces at work in the world to tear our little ones down and tell them they’re not good enough, and it’s our job and privilege to tell them that they are so much more than good enough.

     “I want my daughters to know that I believe in them. That when no one else thinks they can do it, that I know they can. That I support them and want them to succeed, and that ultimately everything I try to do as a mother is to keep them safe and healthy and happy. I want to expect more from my girls, so they expect more from themselves. I want to let them fail so they will learn vital lessons about working for what you want and not giving up. I want to encourage their quirks and unique character traits, so they know that it’s not only okay to be different, but that it’s their differences that make them beautiful.”


Need some last minute Valentines for your superhero? Look no more! From Lolly Jane:


Looking for a delicious recipe to make for Valentine’s Day? Who wants to brave those crowds when you can have a romantic dinner at home with no long lines to wait in! From Bev Weidner at Bev Cooks:


Let us know how you celebrated with your family!

Share your ideas with us in the comments section, on our Facebook page, or tag us on Instagram with our handle @PJ_Media. You can also tweet them to us on Twitter @PJ_Parenting.



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