This Week's Top Parenting Links—6/17

We are detoxing from an awesome family vacation last week, trying to get our laundry, grocery and kids back to normal! Summer is here and we are looking forward to long days by the pool and simple dinners in the evenings.



Do you know your love language? Or your kids’?

I had no idea! And I had never thought about the importance of finding out the way my children view my actions as love.

“Understanding the love languages of your spouse and family can play a huge factor in your relationships with those closest to you. According to Gary Chapman’s best-seller, The 5 Love Languages:

“Of the countless ways we can show love to one another, five key categories, or five love languages, proved to be universal and comprehensive — everyone has a love language, and we all identify primarily with one of the five love languages: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch.”



Need some fun ideas to decorate for the 4th of July with your kids? Check these out, courtesy of


With summer right before us, and lots of days to fill, I needed this reminder that “I am not an airplane,” and it’s ok to say no sometimes. You won’t be sorry that your read this one at

“I want to live big and full and far-reaching. I want to do things that are just beyond my grasp. I want to be challenged every day, I want to be learning every day, I want to be soaring to heights every day.

But I am not an airplane. 

I am a human person, with limited time and talent and energy. The sky is not the limit, and though I hate to admit it, my feet must remain firmly planted on the ground most of the time.”




This was the reminder I needed to stay the course and continue to put in the hard work of mothering from

This same principle certainly applies to mission fields too. The closer you get to home, the less intriguing the work of sacrifice seems. As someone once said, ‘Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help Mom with the dishes.’ When you are a mother at home with your children, the church is not clamoring for monthly ministry updates. When you talk to other believers, there is not any kind of awe about what you are sacrificing for the gospel. People are not pressing you for needs you might have, how they can pray for you. It does not feel intriguing, or glamorous. Your work is normal, because it is as close to home as you can possibly be. You have actually gone so far as to become home.”



Let us know how you spent your weekend!



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