This Week's Top Parenting Links

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Spring is in 11 days! Cheer with me!

We are on a 3-day stretch of rain (at least it’s not snow!) and battling a nasty cold that seems to be going through all of us, but having the windows open and the warmish air blowing seems to be healing for body and soul.


Here’s to catching up on laundry and spring cleaning, and taking time to make a special treat with the ones you love.  Hope you’re able to slow down this weekend and enjoy your view.


I’ve been looking forward to making these eggs since I saw them on Instagram! We have a couple dinosaur lovers in our home right now and with the rain today, this sounds like the perfect activity!


Follow Our Best Bites for more family fun!


I’ve loved Sarah Mae since I read the book she co-authored, Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe, so when I saw she had a book about cleaning your house and quieting your spirit, I was thrilled!  I started reading it this weekend and couldn’t put it down.

The sum of who you are is not in your ability to keep the dishes off the counter and the laundry put away. You are no less or no better in God’s eyes. You are His, which means that you are beautiful and perfect because of Jesus, right now, right where you are. As you continue to submit to the Holy Spirit, He will mold and change you to be more like Jesus. From an eternal perspective, you are already complete. Yes, you’re working it out here on this earth, but your righteousness is set before the throne because of Jesus. Rest in that truth a minute? 

My friend, your identity is not in what anyone else thinks of you.”



Follow Sarah Mae’s Journey here 



I recently had to go gluten-free and sugar-free because of some health problems. I love food, especially carbs, so I mourned my loss of chewy, delicious pastries and desserts. Until I found this cookbook at the library! The journey this husband and wife duo take you on will make you think twice about eating gluten-free. Check out the recipe below, you’ll be glad you did!

baked-doughnuts Follow the Gluten Free Girl and grab some great recipes!


We are always looking for good books to read with our kids. We are a book house. They fall off the shelves, and are often accumulating late fees from our library. This list of read-aloud books is gold.  We are working our way through “Best Chapter Books.” I especially love that there is an audiobook list as well, perfect for those road trips that are coming up!

Follow Sarah Mackenzie over here , and enjoy her fantastic podcasts as well!


These printables from 1+1+1=1 are free! They are at the top of my list to work on this weekend with the kids. What better way to make the Easter story come alive with your kids?



Let us know how your weekend is going?



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