The Morning Briefing: Trump SCOTUS Pick Will Destroy the U.S. Constitution and Much, Much More

(AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Good Thursday morning.

Here is what’s on the president’s agenda today:

  • President Trump participates in a roundtable with supporters in Milwaukee, WI
  • The president gives remarks at a breakfast with supporters
  • President Trump participates in the Foxconn groundbreaking event in Mount Pleasant, WI
  • The president tours Foxconn facility
  • President Trump gives remarks at Foxconn facility
  • The president returns to Washington D.C.

What a difference a day makes

If you were wondering what it’s going to take to turn America into a giant Ferguson riot, I think I might know: the Supreme Court. Yesterday the SCOTUS gutted the union political machine in the Janus v. AFSCME decision and then for the cherry on top, Justice Anthony Kennedy announced he would retire. President Trump will be filling another seat on the bench. I was a little sad we didn’t have time to drink the liberal tears from Janus before the nuclear meltdown over the Kennedy retirement, but I’ll take it.

‘We are f—ed’ reads the NY Daily News cover. Just another non-biased information outlet, clearly.

How bad will it be? If we listen to the progressive/Democrat/media thought feeling leaders, it is going to be HORRIFIC. Presidential wanna-be Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) said, “Any one of President Trump’s list of proposed SCOTUS justices would overturn Roe v. Wade and threaten our fundamental rights. I’ll fight to make sure there are no hearings to replace Justice Kennedy until after the election. This is our democracy. Let’s fight like it.”


Wow, these lefties can sure turn on a dime. Less than 24 hours ago, the most important thing in the world was the separated children at the border and now it’s the right to separate little children limb-by-limb in utero. Incredible.

Rep. Kamala Harris, another worthy member of the progressive brain trust and probable candidate for president, offered much more dire consequences if the duly elected president of the United States appoints someone to fill a SCOTUS vacancy.

“We’re looking at a destruction of the Constitution of the United States as far as I can tell based on all the folks he’s been appointing thus far for lifetime appointments,” Harris told Chris Matthews on Wednesday night. “He’s been appointing ideologues, he’s been appointing people who have refused to agree that Brown v. Board of Education is settled law.”

You hear that folks? Destruction of the Constitution! OH THE HUMANITY.

One thing is certain: all eyes on Notorious RBG who’s a ripe 85 years old.

Mr. Elaine Chao is ready for prime SCOTUS nomination time

The Democrats, who do not control the Senate, want the SCOTUS confirmation hearing to take place after the 2018 midterms. I’m laughing so hard, I need a second. Ok, I’m better now. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will have none of it.

“The Senate stands ready to fulfill its constitutional role by offering advice and consent on President Trump’s nominee to fill this vacancy,” McConnell said. But Senate Minority Leader Schumer had other ideas.


“This is the most important Supreme Court vacancy for this country in at least a generation. Nothing less than the fate of our healthcare system, reproductive rights for women, and countless other protections for middle-class Americans are at stake,” Schumer said. (I think he said all these things about Gorsuch too.)

“Millions of people are just months away from determining the senators who should vote to confirm or reject the president’s nominee, and their voices deserve to be heard now as Leader McConnell thought they deserve to be heard then,” Schumer went on, referring to President Barack Obama’s nomination of Judge Merrick Garland in 2016.

Here’s a news flash: the Senate Democrats are in no position to make demands and they are not going to win back the Senate in the 2018 midterms. In fact, there are 10 Senate Democrats up for re-election in Trump states and the pressure will be on for those candidates to back the president’s pick. It could not be a worse scenario for the Schumer posse. The GOP is going to bring that nomination to the floor before the election and that is that. I love it. Whoever the nominee is, I hope that person is in the mold of a Scalia hopped-up on radioactive Constitution pills.

Senate Judiciary Committee chair Chuck Grassley “looks forward to having the nominee before us in the Senate Judiciary Committee for his or her hearing in the weeks ahead.” I do too, Chuck, I do too. “I would expect that the president would send us somebody who’s well-qualified and we’ll go about our business sooner rather than later, I hope,” Senator Lindsey Graham told reporters.


McConnell was very clear on the floor of the Senate: “We will vote to confirm Justice Kennedy’s successor this fall.”

Wray, AG Rosenstein to testify today

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray will testify today before the House Judiciary Committee.

The two are expected to answer questions about actions taken by the Justice Department and FBI in the run to the 2016 election. They will also hear from lawmakers about a report issued earlier this month by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte, Virginia Republican, had called on Mr. Wray and Mr. Rosenstein to testify after Mr. Horowitz’s report was released.

I don’t know what time they are set to appear, but I hope it doesn’t interfere with the England/Belgium World Cup match. I’ll probably get more answers about the administrative state’s attempted coup from the footie game than I will from the hearing. Go England!

Republicans in the House are flirting with impeaching DAG Rosenstein if the documents they have requested are not produced. “The House could ‘certainly’ move to impeach embattled Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein if the Justice Department doesn’t turn over Trump-Russia documents demanded by GOP chairmen by next week, one top Republican told reporters Wednesday, as the House readied a vote on a resolution demanding the documents.”


According to ABC News:

The resolution would put the full GOP-led House on the record for the first time demanding DOJ compliance with its document demands, putting more pressure on Rosenstein, who is supervising special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged links between the Trump campaign and Russia. The House could take up the resolution as early as Thursday.

“The Speaker has indicated that we will have a vote on the House floor tomorrow on that resolution,” Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., told reporters Wednesday. “If they’re not here by July 6th than certainly contempt and impeachment [of Rosenstein] will be in order.”

Sound and fury signifying nothing. So they impeach him, then what? President Trump needs to declassify all the documents and be done with it.


Peter Strzok Grilled for Hours Behind Closed Doors on Capitol Hill, Denies He Was Politically Biased

Historical picture of the day:

Capt. Vincent B. Evans of Henderson, Tex., left, tells a mechanic Shirley Poe about some of the exploits of the famed four-engined bomber “Memphis Belle,” at Boston Airport, June 28, 1943. (AP Photo)

Other morsels:

Bill Shine, ex-Fox News exec, accepts White House deputy chief of staff for communications role

What? Democrats think nearly *half* of all Republicans make more than $250,000 per year?

Scott Pruitt Is Rolling Back One Of The EPA’s Most Expansive Powers


New Fox chief cracks down on inflammatory statements

5 members of WWII bomber crew buried together at Arlington

Authorities arrest 40, seize more than $3.6 million in gold bars in 1st darknet bust

Benghazi ‘mastermind’ sentenced to 22 years

And that’s all I’ve got, now go beat back the angry mob!


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