Happy Friday, Gentle Readers,
I pray this missive finds you well. Normally, this feature is a light-hearted attempt to wind up the week, but this morning, I was feeling more disgruntled than usual with the state of the union. You see, years ago, I had a good friend in the FBI. He was a genuinely nice guy, one of those guys you could kid around with.
He was active in the community, not just someone who was transferred to a duty station and only came out to do a little shopping now and then. He actually involved himself in activities and local charities. He was the kind of guy you would want as a friend and a neighbor. I hope he retired a while ago. If he hasn't, I hope he is still standing tall. Frankly, he was too decent a guy to be a part of what the FBI became.
I know that yesterday, Americans reacted to the release of the Epstein binder much like a kid who opened his first present on Christmas morning and found socks and pajamas. Everyone was waiting to learn who would be awarded the dishonor of America's Biggest Pervert, and rightly so. People were griping that the air had been let out of their collective balloon, but AG Pam Bondi claimed that an FBI field office in New York was hiding serious documents and refusing to hand them over to the Trump administration.
This may be nothing; after all, the news cycle is measurable in nanoseconds, and at times, it becomes difficult to separate fact from fiction and the wheat from the chaff. But if what Bondi and others are alleging is fact, not fiction, then why would this office hide the files? Is it a power play? Are there too many big names at stake? Or are they sitting on a document dump of epic proportions simply because they can?
If the office is hiding truly damning information, then it wasn't enough to kick down the doors of pro-lifers. It wasn't enough to snoop on school board parents. It wasn't enough to show up at people's doors to intimidate them.
If what is being alleged is true, then we are dealing with people who are so compromised and corrupt that new adjectives will have to be created to describe them. They haven't just sold out the nation or justice; they may have even sold out the victims. They may claim that there is a "greater good" at stake; they may say we can't see the bigger picture. They may even go with that oldie but goodie: "Trump is a dictator!" They can say whatever they want to salve their consciences. But it won't work. And hopefully, my friend found more respectable work in multi-level marketing or something.
There are some things that require even the most hardened of progressives and deep-staters to get beyond "But Trump!"
If it is all true, what is Bondi going to do about it? And after Thursday’s much-ballyhooed release that turned out to be nothing, what exactly are we supposed to believe at this point?
Is it a one-way ticket?
Well, thank God Blue Origin has its priorities straight. As part of the first-ever all-female space crew (the future is female, you know), Jeff Bezos is sending his fianceé Lauren Sanchez, CBS Mornings co-host Gayle King, and singer Katy Perry into space. Apparently, there are actual scientists and space specialists onboard, but Katy Perry?
I don't know what the point is of sending Sanchez, King, and Perry into space. I'm not sure there is a point unless Bezos is just trying to impress his crush. On the other hand, after Sanchez and Bezos are married, he has the one-liner of all time to end any future arguments. Granted, I'm rooting for Elon Musk, but leaving Katy Perry on Mars would not be the worst thing that could happen.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool...
Chronic over-sharer Kathy Griffin is back in the news because... reasons. My guess would be that she is desperate to be remembered as something other than a tasteless, classless F-Lister whose biggest claim to fame was that she couldn't come to terms with the fact that she wasn't famous. In her latest bid in her desperate fight to remain relevant, she related the story below:
Kathy Griffin instinctively apologized for Trump to her cab driver, and the 'Moroccan cab driver' responded that Trump is the greatest president in history:
— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) February 26, 2025
"I'm the decapitated head lady.
One time I was going to give a speech at Oxford. They sent a car for me. The driver was… pic.twitter.com/Yjatanup5k
Of course, the biggest mystery is who in the hell at Oxford thought Kathy Griffin had anything to say?
Wine recommendation
Because it is the weekend, and the weather is decent, and I may actually have time to read a book just for the sheer enjoyment of it. I may just spend the entire weekend doing nothing but drinking and reading. After all, Lent is coming up, and I have to knock 'em back while I still can.
This week, I offer you the 2022 Haymaker Sauvignon Blanc.
This product from Marlborough, New Zealand, retails for $10 to $15 and was a pleasant surprise, albeit one better suited for warmer seasons of the year. As a Sauvignon Blanc, it is dry and acidic but also has a very nice lemon/lime citrus flavor that hits you right from the start and lingers during the finish. Expect a little pineapple, a hint of grapefruit, some green apple, and a slight mineral accent. It has an intriguing bouquet that includes a little cut grass to go with the citrus. For the price point, it gets decent reviews and would pair well with vegetables or shrimp.
That's it for me. Have a great weekend, and I'll see you next time.
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