The Left Should Be VERY Worried About Trump's Minority Outreach Efforts

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

When I first moved to Utah almost 30 years ago, it was or at least seemed almost exclusively white and LDS. That has changed over the years, and to be perfectly honest, I don't see that as a bad thing. I appreciate the cultural diversity and find it funny that as a man with ethnic roots in Western Europe, I attend a Greek Orthodox church where the Lord's Prayer is also recited in Greek, Russian, Arabic, and occasionally Spanish.   


Our neighbors are originally from Mexico. They have family members from Mexico who drive up for holidays and birthdays and always invite us over for their Fourth of July barbecue. And I would also like to point out that they have an American flag that is bigger than mine. They all attend church together on Sunday, and the mother brought my wife flowers to celebrate Mexican Mother's Day. 

The eldest son is always out in the summer with a snow-cone stand or selling cold drinks. In the winter, he sets up a pop-up hot cocoa shop in the garage. I always buy something and hire him to mow my lawn in the summer because A) I respect the fact that, unlike his peers, he is not glued to a video console or a smartphone, and I want to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit among young people, and B) I'm at the age I would rather pay a kid to mow my lawn instead of dragging the lawnmower around to the front yard every week. 

My point is that this family has retained its identity while still embracing the things that make America stand out. They are as American as anyone reading this. 

The Left tends to sort everyone into ethnic or racial classes so that it can pander to or demonize them, depending on their classifications. That is an insidious way to make it easier to control narratives and people and gain or maintain power. It may be why this week, 158 Democrats in the House voted against the Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act. The measure ultimately passed, but one wonders why anyone would vote against a bill that would deport illegal immigrants who are convicted of committing sex crimes or conspiracy to do the same. 


Fox News notes

In addition to deporting migrants convicted of sex crimes, the legislation would also deem illegal immigrants who admit to domestic violence or sex-related charges — or are convicted of them — to be inadmissible in the U.S.

Why would someone have issues with a bill like this? Perhaps Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) can clear it up for us. Here were her remarks during the debate:

Here we are again, debating another partisan bill that fear-mongers about immigrants, instead of working together to fix the immigration system. I probably shouldn't be too surprised. Scapegoating immigrants and attempting to weaponize the crime of domestic violence is appearing to be a time-honored tradition for Republicans.

Has it occurred to Japayal that people who come to America may not want rapists and other predators roaming the streets? Has it occurred to her that many immigrants came here to escape cartels and corruption? Has it occurred to her that many people come here to be American? Likely not, since Jayapal and her party view immigrants as yet another voting bloc who will continue to help Democrats maintain power and remain oblivious to the effects of progressive policies. 

However, people like Utah's Doug Quezada have Jayapal and fellow travelers figured out. Quezada is the son of Chilean immigrants who fled that country to escape socialism. The Post Millennial reports that Quezada recently hosted Donald Trump at a fundraiser in Utah that garnered over $5 million. Quezada noted that Democrats have talked a good game in an attempt to keep Hispanics voting blue but that Trump and the GOP's values resonate with many Latinos:


Quezada also told the reporter that prior to the fundraiser, he attended a funeral for a friend who died from a fentanyl overdose, another tragedy resulting from the lax border policies of the Biden-Harris administration. 

On your bingo card for things you did not see coming, the Midwesterner reports that Hamtramck, Mich., Mayor Ameer Ghalib announced on Facebook that he is working with Trump to hold a rally there. Hamtramck is the only Muslim-majority city in the U.S. The announcement came on the heels of a positive meeting between Trump and Ghalib on Tuesday.

Someone should tell Jayapal to get out of her office a little more — or just get out of office — and maybe talk a lot less.



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