Selling America, One Soul at a Time

AP Photo/Dolores Ochoa

Exorcists, demonologists, and those who regularly do battle with the supernatural will tell you that there are a variety of ways one can become possessed or afflicted by diabolical forces. And yes, according to such men, one can sell one's soul. The popular trope is that it is a matter of signing a contract. One is granted one's heart's desire for seven years or whatever length of time the parties agree upon. At the end of that time, the devil shows up with a receipt or bill of sale and carts your soul off to hell in a Bloomingdale's bag or something. You can thank "The Devil and Daniel Webster" for that. 


The truth is that once such a transaction is offered and accepted, the matter of losing possession of one's soul may never come up. One may never even be consciously aware that they are making a deal with anyone at all. And the process of taking a soul begins almost instantly. In the pursuit of the money, fame, power, or sexual satiation to which one is now entitled, that person becomes misshapen, perverted, violent, and increasingly self-absorbed. 

Evil gains access to every part of their lives until that person is so corrupt that they are scarcely human anymore. The process may be a long, gradual descent, or it may be immediate. In any event, the afflicted person becomes a slave to the very thing that they crave, decaying into violence, addiction, adultery, and misery. It can happen to anyone, even those who claim to champion things like justice and "democracy."

The Daily Signal recently came out with a list of well-known and quasi-well-known people who have called Trump and his supporters threats to democracy since the nascent days of Trump's campaign. The piece quotes novelist Shalom Auslander, who, as far back as 2016, claimed Trump would round up people in the same way Hitler did the Jews. That same year, according to the article, Linda Ronstadt stated, “It’s going to be like Hitler, and the Mexicans are the new Jews. And sure enough, that’s what he delivered. It’s exactly the same.” 

There is this from 2023:


In December, Rachel Maddow quipped, “There’s a reason Hitler and Mussolini said this stuff, too. It worked then, it works now. It has worked abroad all over the world and yes, it has worked here, too. More than we like to remember.”

This past May, actor Robert De Niro offered a few thoughts:

If Trump returns to the White House, you can kiss these freedoms goodbye that we all take for granted. And elections, forget about it. That’s over. That’s done. If he gets in, I can tell. you right now, he will never leave. He will never leave. You know that.

The article offers multiple examples of such thinking. Finally, proving once again that social media is a social cancer, an "influencer" who calls himself Destiny essentially called for the extermination of people who do not think like him:

Clearly, this Destiny individual no longer sees conservatives as human beings anymore. And by all indications, he would be more than happy to shoot them. 

On Monday, Howard Stern commented, "I don't hate Trump. I hate the people who vote for him. I think they are stupid. I do. I have no respect for them." Granted, crudeness has been Stern's stock-in-trade for his entire career, but it is worth pointing out that he has probably never met a Trump voter. But it does not matter to him and not to his peers.


What drives such recklessness? Obviously, the rhetoric and indoctrination from so many places have had the intended effect. Witness the fact that the mainstream media has studiously avoided the genuine problems in places across the United States and, in particular, Springfield, Ohio, while attributing the tensions in that city to Donald Trump and JD Vance, even as the governor of Ohio has said that the threats are hoaxes, with many originating overseas. So there is the factor of self-righteous, misguided indignation and rage to be considered. Ten minutes on any college campus will provide ample evidence for that assertion.

There are also issues of money, power, and even self-satisfaction in play. The Democrats have all of the money and power and have no problem promoting the satiation of any and all desires, no matter what they may be. It is an appeal to our basest desires. Some enjoy their status in life and derive satisfaction from knowing that they occupy the upper echelon of society and have the luxury of stepping on the neck of others. 

I suspect that in the case of the Cheney family and other post-conservatives, such people are trying to hold on to their assets or have decided that a Democratic win is a foregone conclusion and wish to avoid a subpoena from the new government's version of HUAC in the future.

You do not need me to tell you that we are no longer engaged in a debate between conflicting worldviews or political ideologies. The behavior we are witnessing suggests a much darker pathology at work. One of the reasons I cringed during the chaos of J6 was that I saw ordinary people getting caught up in the tactics, mindset, and excuses of the Left. 


Evil crouches at every door, and we must remember who we are. No one is immune to temptation. Be that as it may, what we see unfolding on the Left is not just the sale of souls but the nationalization and normalization of such a practice. And people who sell their souls are all too often unaware of the consequences to themselves and others until it is too late.


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