
Famous Idiots Are Dragging Us to Hell

AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko

Like the other writers at PJ Media, I spent a good portion of my day trolling the web and other platforms, looking for topics about which to write. As many of my colleagues will tell you, a fruitful search does not always yield pleasant results. 

After a morning of reading and writing about the latest developments, I either want to dig my old toy soldiers out of a box in the garage and spend the rest of the day in my study mounting miniature campaigns from the bookshelves or take a nice, hot, relaxing (if short) bath with my wife's hairdryer. 

Thank God for toy soldiers.

During Monday's Daily Doomscroll, I happened upon an op-ed in the New York Post by Rikki Schlott. The thrust of Schott's piece is that celebrities such as Taylor Swift may easily convince armies of young people, who know little, if anything, about the machinations of the real world, to vote for the Harris-Walz ticket. Schlott writes:

A new poll found that a solid majority of Gen Z voters admit they would be swayed by a celebrity endorsement, as grassroots groups like “Swifties for Kamala.”

 Conducted by Redfield & Wilton Strategies for Newsweek, the poll shows that 34% of Gen Zers are “significantly more likely” or “more likely” to vote if Taylor Swift endorses a candidate. Worse yet, 40% said the same of Beyoncé.

Schlott is correct, and what is particularly noteworthy is that Swift is the veritable textbook illustration of white privilege. She was born into wealth and is a lab-grown pop-music specimen who has never known want, poverty, or even experienced the need to try to manage a household budget. And she will live out her days in opulence, utterly unaware of the struggles of normal people. 

The same can be said for the helium-headed clowns in the media, celebrity circus animals, academics, and tech moguls who will never feel the pinch of reality. That group also includes borderline-psychotic college students who don't realize that someone has to repay all the money they are p*****g away picking their pronouns and waving Palestinian flags and the average under-employed barista who swallows propaganda like CBD gummies.

It would be an interesting thought experiment to show the video below to Swift or the blue-haired, stud-faced lefty in your life to see if they could justify the impact of the Biden-Harris years.

I doubt they could or if they could do it without working in the word "Trump" somewhere. And you kind of have to give them a break. They are the two-legged equivalents of Pavlov's dogs. They are either rich and unaware or young and unaware. Yelling "Trump!" at the first sign of a discussion is a conditioned reflex.

This woman, a veteran no less, scrimped and saved to make her dream of owning a business come true. When that dream died, thanks to the depredations of the Biden-Harris administration's economic policies, she had to sell her food truck to an illegal alien with a fistful of cash, courtesy of the federal government. 

No wonder she is angry. No wonder she is in tears. She wasn't just sold out. Her dream was sold off to keep the elite wrapped in power, wealth, and an unhealthy, unrealistic sense of self-satisfaction that they are somehow on the right side of history.


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