J6 'Praying Grandma' Hit With $103,000 Fine

AP Photo/John Minchillo

In April, PJ Media reported on the story of Rebecca Lavrenz. By way of a refresher, Lavrenz, 72, was present at the January 6 incident. She walked through an open door of the Capitol building and spent all of ten minutes praying in a space normally open to tourists. When FBI agents located her, she was cooperative, even showing the agents a photo of her at the scene. She never struck anyone; she didn't damage any property or steal a podium. She didn't pillage Nancy Pelosi's office or film herself on the congresswoman's phone. She didn't even have a buffalo hat to show off. She walked with the rest of the crowd, prayed, and left. She was charged with Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds, Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds, Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building, and Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol Building. She faced a $210,000 fine and a year in prison for the infraction. She was later found guilty of the misdemeanor charges.


Lavrenz has received her sentence for the four federal misdemeanors. The National Pulse reports that U.S. District Court Judge Zia Faruqui gave Lavrenz 12 months probation, six months house arrest, a six-month ban on internet usage, and ordered her to pay $500 in restitution. Oh, and then there is the fine of $103,000, which many contend is one of the largest, if not the largest, fines for misdemeanors in the history of the country. National Pulse noted:

In his sentencing memo, Biden-Harris U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves opined that because Lavrenz had pointed out the political persecution of J6ers, she should be considered “unrepentant” in her “promotion of the riot.” That, Graves laughably claims, “is powerful evidence that she continues to pose a threat to future acts of political violence.”

The outlet reported that Lavrenz must have government monitoring software on her phone and computer and is prohibited from meeting with her elected officials at the Capitol without the permission of her probation officer. Her defense team argued against the internet ban, which would inhibit Lavrenz's ability to run her business, a bed and breakfast, check her email, or even use online banking. Faruqui said the order would keep Lavrenz from spreading "inflammatory material online." The judge maintained that this was particularly important, given the upcoming presidential election. The National Pulse also said:


“I don’t know why being the J6 Praying Grandmother is more important than being an actual grandmother,” Faruqui said. He also criticized her involvement in what he described as a misguided ministry, stating, “Your faith is being misplaced right now” and suggesting that her ministry to strangers was less important than her obligations to her family.

According to The National Pulse, Faruqui is a Muslim, which may be germane to this story in light of the comment above since Lavrenz is a Christian. Religious differences aside, Lavrenz's great "crime" was to follow the herd into the building, spend ten minutes in prayer, and walk out. For that, she was given the smorgasbord of penalties listed above. Once again, we see that there is no crime small enough that can be committed by a conservative to escape the hammer of two-tiered justice.

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Finally, there is the characterization by Matthew Graves that this 72-year-old grandmother is a threat for future acts of violence. Apparently, praying is considered by Mr. Graves, the Department of Justice, and the Biden administration to be an act of violence. This speaks volumes about the character of the people in charge of the government at the moment and what we can expect with a Harris-Walz victory in November.



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