Weekend Parting Shot: RNC MSM Catfight Edition

Alexandre Meneghini

Happy Friday, Gentle Readers,

I hope this missive finds you well and savoring the afterglow of the convention. Just don't savor it too long. As I write this, I am certain that deep within the bowels of government office buildings and social media headquarters, the DNC, MSM, and the rest of the Alphabet Crew are twirling their mustaches and planning to tie us all to railroad tracks. So take the weekend for a victory lap because, on Monday, it's right back at it. I'll be spending the weekend weeding the yard and garden. And there is a certain post-convention symmetry to that.


Dear Lord, just stop already

I believe it was Montgomery Burns who said it best:

CNN has called foul on MSNBC's coverage of the convention. The Post Millennial notes that the stalwart journalists at MSNBC relied on special effects during coverage. Jen Psaki, Joy Reid, and Rachel Maddow blared their propaganda and issued their snark and disinformation from in front of a digital screen. 

Not only were they not reporting live from the floor, but they also weren't even there. They weren't even in Milwaukee. This prompted CNN's Jake Tapper to quip, "We are here live, as opposed to some other networks that just have a big LED, who shall remain nameless."

Ah, "The Network That Cannot Be Named." I like the sound of that. It has a certain Harry Potter ring to it. Very apropos.

Turning Point's Savanah Hernandez backed up Tapper's accusation and brought a few receipts of her own:


For its part, MSNBC said that its hosts began their broadcasts with phrases such as “Good evening from New York” and “We say hi here from MSNBC HQ in New York." But the use of the screen gave the impression they were on the scene — you know, the usual MSM routine. 

That isn't to say that MSNBC did not have boots on the ground. There was at least one... person who looked like he may have stolen his haircut from the Stray Cats back in the '80s, who brandished a microphone at Donald Trump Jr., only to find that there was no shortage of banana peels to slip on. You can watch that Great Moment in TV History here.

I can't say I blame Maddow, Psaki, or Reid. If I had their track records, I'd be nervous about going to the Republican National Convention, too. Of course, if I had their track records, I'd quit my job in the media and find work making balloon animals at county fairs. 

Ah, the MSM. It continues to labor under the impression that it is following in the footsteps of Winchell, Murrow, and Cronkite while forever channeling Larry, Curly, and Moe.

Unverified in-house memos that confidential sources provided to PJ Media indicate that going forward, the intro music for CNN and MSNBC programs will be replaced with the 1948 Cole Porter classic "Be a Clown."

Be a clown, be a clown!

All the world loves a clown.

Act the fool, play the calf.

And you'll always have the last laugh.

 Be a clown, be a clown!

All the world loves a clown.

Show 'em tricks, tell 'em jokes.

And you'll only stop with top folks.

 Be a crack Jackanapes.

And they'll imitate you like apes.

Why be a great composer with your rent in arrears

Why be a major poet, and you'll owe it for years.

When crowds'll pay to giggle if you wiggle your ears

Be a clown, be a clown, be a clown!

 Be a clown, be a clown!

All the world loves a clown.

If you just make 'em roar

Watch your Mounte bank account soar.

Wear a painted mustache

And you're sure to make a big splash.

A college education I should never propose,

A bachelor's degree won't even keep you in clothes,

But millions you will win if you can spin on your nose

Be a clown, be a clown, be a clown!

Give 'em quips, give 'em fun,

And they'll be happy to say you're A-1.

If you become a farmer, you've the weather to buck,

If you become a gambler, you'll be stuck with your luck,

But Jack, you'll never lack if you can quack like a duck!

Be a clown, be a clown, be a clown!


Wine recommendation

Because nothing goes better with a conservative victory unless it is Scotch. I'll save the champagne suggestion until after the election.

This week, I present the 2021 Wente Vineyards Southern Hills Cabernet Sauvignon.

Despite pronouncements that it is bold, I found our bottle to be an easy-going wine. It has the expected dryness and is not super-heavy on the tannins. It is also right in the middle of the road when it comes to acidity. It consistently rates high for the critics and will set you back around $18.00 +/-. Look for a strong presence of dark fruits like blackberry, dark cherry, and plum. It also has some hints of chocolate, coffee, and oak and is rounded out by a good dose of spices.

While you can match it up with the usual suspects menu-wise, it goes well as a stand-alone. The one caveat would be to wait until the sun goes down and the temps drop off a little if you want to enjoy it on the back deck or patio. 

That's it for me. I'm off to buy some herbicide and turf builder because that is the glamorous life I live. Have a great weekend, and I will see you next time.


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