The Verdict Is In: Switzerland Is Guilty of…Eco Negligence, Maybe?

AP Photo/Markus Schreiber

I'm not entirely sure how significant Switzerland is. Their flag is kind of cool. The Alps are pretty. The Swiss have done pioneering work in the field of chocolate, and I like the Army Knives. And Switzerland gave us yodeling, so there's that. 


I know someone with Swiss heritage is going to take issue with the above jape, and feel free to defend your lineage in the comments section. My point is that usually, Switzerland is not at the center of controversy. Okay, I'll give you the yearly gathering at Davos, but beyond that, Switzerland and drama are usually not bedfellows. So who knew that in Switzerland, there was a cabal of climate criminals putting lives at risk through its negligence? 

As yet another example of how angry, leftist white women will prove to be the undoing of Western Civilization, 2,000 women across Switzerland, most of them elderly and white, won a major decision at the European Court of Human Rights on Tuesday. The court ruled sixteen to one that the Swiss government had not done enough to protect people from the effects of climate change. 

From The Wall Street Journal:

In particular, the court found that the convention “encompasses a right to effective protection by the State authorities from the serious adverse effects of climate change on lives, health, well-being and quality of life.” Given this, it said current efforts by the Swiss government were lacking, including a failure to quantify national greenhouse gas emission limitations.


The women contended that the Swiss government had not done enough to protect them from the dangers of increased heat due to the change in climate.

Tom Cummins, a partner at global law firm Ashurst, told the Journal that the decision could open the door to future litigation in other countries. This would not only include companies but also states, since activists could capitalize on the idea that governments have a human rights obligation to mitigate climate change.

Greta Thunberg took the opportunity to weigh in. According to The Daily Caller, Thunberg told Reuters, “This is only the beginning of climate litigation. The results of this can mean in no way that we lean back. This means that we have to fight even more since this is only the beginning.”

Only the beginning, indeed.

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We all remember the messes created by Fisker, a company that was going to bring us electric cars. And despite the new-found popularity of Elon Musk for many conservatives, the majority of Americans are not interested in electric cars. Elsewhere on these pages, we have presented evidence of the Biden administration benefitting from green energy projects at the expense of the environment. You can read more about that here and here. And it should be noted that no one ever holds China accountable for its passionate embrace of fossil fuels. They wouldn't dare. As Deep Throat said in "All the President's Men," follow the money. Western countries, such as Switzerland and, in due time, the United States, make for low-hanging fruit. Climate activists, young and old, will be secure in the belief that they have struck a blow for the environment. The one percent will continue to enjoy the returns on their investments. 


The rest of us will have to get used to being broke.


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