Weekend Parting Shot: A Pathetic Push to Pervert the 'Pieta'

Wilfredo Lee

Happy Friday, Gentle Readers,

The snow has finally arrived in my part of the world. It started at 10:30 this morning. By 11:00, it was up to my ankles. I don't know about you, but my weekend is officially shot. At least I beat all the transplants to the hardware store for ice melt. By 3:00 today, the pallets will be bare. I could launch a black market for ice melt, but I'm probably on enough federal watch lists as it is. 


Is nothing sacred? Apparently not.

I've always wanted to travel to Italy. I'm a sucker for ancient ruins of any kind. I once got lost in a remote section of a temple at Angkor Wat. On the minus side, there was a possibility no one would find me until I was a corpse. On the plus side, I would have died in an ancient ruin. Like Indiana Jones, but less interesting. Besides, no one wants to go to the theater to see "Utah Brown and the Lousy Sense of Direction."

The other reason I want to visit Italy is to see the "Pieta." I first saw a photo of it when I was a teen, and even then, I was struck by Michelangelo's precise and delicate work. In particular, I was struck by the face of Christ and the look of tender sorrow on Mary's face. The image of a grief-stricken mother adds a dimension to the story of the Crucifixion that is often overlooked. For Christians, the sculpture depicts another facet of the depth of Christ's sacrifice while subtly but significantly underscoring the importance of the miracle and victory to come. 

And then there's the Left. 

Like everything else, Leftists are unsatisfied with faith until they have sprayed all over it like a cat in heat. They may claim that they are "remaining" or "recontextualizing" something. In truth, they are doing their level best to drag the object in question into the gutter with them. After all, in the worldview of the Left, no one can be happy until everyone is equally jaded and miserable. 


American Wire reports that recently, a man named Michelangelo Buonarroti, who calls himself an artist, revealed a painting called Pieta 2.0. The painting depicts a tattooed Jesus and a transgender Mary. You can watch the big reveal below:

There were, of course, objections to the offering. One person called it an abomination and an insult. Another lamented that Christianity had fallen and that demons were now openly mocking Jesus. One X user noted:

Funny how they only do this with Christian iconography, it’s such a boring and completely safe version of ‘look mom! Look how edgy I am!' You want to actually be subversive, why not do one of the other religions like Islam or Judaism? Or any other religion?

Another simply added, "Now do Mohammed." That, of course, will never happen. Not only would Queers for Palestine be scandalized, but the artist would also suddenly find himself in quite an untenable position. It is difficult to be "cutting edge" when one's life may be at stake for blasphemy. And then there is the artist himself. The poor soul looks like a collision between Victoria's Secret and "The Island of Dr. Moreau." If he wants to make a "statement," he should probably start by having his attorney issue a press release about whatever clinic botched his lip filler injections. That has "class action lawsuit" written all over it. 


I have written before about the attempt by the trans movement to hijack Christ and remake him in their image. But I suspect such is not the case here. No follower of a carpenter would dress like the Rockettes meet a 1940s cigarette girl meets Dr. Zaius. God cannot be mocked, and man only mocks himself in his attempt to ridicule what he refuses to understand. 

The artist was not trying to get people to think about Jesus in a new way. He was attempting to shock, inflame, and provoke Christians. He wanted no attention to be paid to Jesus. Rather, he wanted the attention for himself. As John the Baptist said, "He must increase; I must decrease." Clearly, there is no room in the artist's life for anyone but himself.

And besides, it's past the point of being scandalous. The Left really needs some new material. You would think with all of the writers, actors, filmmakers, and artists, Lefties would at least be able to raise a few eyebrows now and then. 

Wine recommendation

Because I am trying to stall going out to shovel snow.

If the sky is overcast where you are, give yourself a break with a 2022 Patella Vineyards High Altitude Cafayate Valley Salta Torronté. 

Made from Torrontés Riojano grapes grown at 5,890 feet in Argentina, this is a dry and non-aggressive white. The dryness and tartness, while very noticeable, are not overbearing, and the acidity is middle-of-the-road, leaning to the high end. It typically rates in the high 80s and is one of the better-selling wines of its varietal in the U.S. 


I caught some lemon and a few other citrus flavors. Others say it has a bit of pineapple and stone fruit. Some tasters report green apples, but I had to go back and taste it again, specifically to find the apple for myself.  Prepare yourself for a little bitterness at the end.

Finally, it's easy on the wallet, coming in around $12.00 to $12.50 in most places. 

That's it for me. Have a great weekend, stay warm and dry, and I'll see you next time. 


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