Boys Punching Girls: Feminism's Big Win


Moldylocks. It’s all over social media, the Antifa chick in the dreds getting clocked in the forehead by a “Nazi” (whatever that means) at the Tax Day rally in Berkeley. The usual sources are outraged. The other side is wryly amused. For many years now Hollywood has been giving us heroines who are as strong or stronger than men. They take a punch but never go down. They kick ass. Those of us who live in reality know that this is pure fantasy, but there is a generation of youngins’ who think it’s possible for a 5’4″, 100 lb. girl to fight toe to toe with a 6-foot-tall man and walk away with a bruise or two while leaving the man on the ground in a pool of his own blood. Lara Croft and a million other plucky FBI agents and CIA super spies with big boobs and deadly aim have taught us this.


Twitter is attacking the “alt-right” for hitting a girl. The puncher, Nathan Damigo, is the founder of a white nationalist group at California State, Stanislaus, called Identity Evropa. The alt-right is raising money to buy ice for his hand. Does anyone see the irony in the social justice warriors complaining that a guy hit a girl? A girl who wants equality with men showed up at a Trump rally wearing weighted gloves, tried to punch a guy in the throat, and got laid out with one punch. For as long as I can remember, the feminists have told us they’re exactly the same, if not better than men. So why are we supposed to be outraged that one of them got hit in the face by a man? Isn’t that exactly what she wanted when she jumped into the fray and started swinging?

These people confuse me. On one hand, Moldylocks wants to be considered an anarchist warrior, bragging that she would take “100 nazi scalps” on social media. And now she’s whining to anyone who will listen that she’s just a 94 lb. shrinking violet who landed in the hospital after getting her clock cleaned by a big bad boy. I can’t muster any sympathy. I tried. Her GoFundMe page goes so far as to call her a “poor girl.” Oh, give me a break! This girl knew exactly what she was doing joining Antifa at the Berkeley rally. She was there to fight “nazis.” She said so.


I feel sorry for me. I feel intense sadness for the women out here who never wanted this kind of equality, who knew that it would lead to guys punching girls. We raise our sons not to hit women and then women show up and beg to be hit. How on earth do we fix this? These gals have lost their ever loving minds and now we all suffer the consequences. Forget getting a seat on the bus when you’re eight months pregnant, those days are long gone. Now, thanks to the rabid females on the Left, we have to expect to get punched if a brawl breaks out. No one is coming to protect us or shield us from the fray. Thanks a heap, ladies.

This is what feminists have asked for and I’ll be damned if I let them complain about it. This is the bed you made. Now lie in it…bleeding on the ground. This twit has been interviewed and makes no mention of the glass bottle she was swinging at people before she got punched. Here’s some evidence


If this is equality, I don’t want it.

On a separate note, why did the Berkeley police let this go on…again? Witness reports are saying police told Trump supporters they would protect them if they put down their flag poles. They did and then police left them to a violent Antifa mob. Why is this allowed to happen in a country with a rule of law? WTH is happening in Berekley?



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