Weird Al's 'Bad Hombres, Nasty Women' Video Finds the Funny in Final Presidential Debate

The only thing missing from the current presidential campaign, easily the nuttiest in modern electoral history, is Weird Al Yankovic.

Not any more.

Leave it to Weird Al himself to inject himself into the election seasons in the very best of ways.


Finally, an October Surprise we can endorse.

The comic musician must have burned the proverbial midnight oil for his latest video. He took some raw footage from the Oct. 19 debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton and, well, see for yourself. Please enjoy “Bad Hombres, Nasty Women.”

To stop a Cold War, what should we be doin’?/ Would you go thumb-wrestle Vladimir Putin?/ We have so many adversaries overseas/ Can we all agree to be frenemies?”

Even those burned out on autotuned material will likely enjoy this political spitballing.

Notice what’s missing here? Bitterness. Anger. Blatant partisanship. Is it any wonder the video is quickly going viral? The Weird Al clip can be played by the whole family, too.

To be fair, the music video pokes far more fun at Trump than Clinton. That’s understandable given the material in play. The snippet still lacks the venom we’ve seen from the late night comedy crew. Most of those comics have been hammering Trump for weeks, often without even trying to be funny.


And then there are the “funny” celebrity PSAs designed to make us vote for Clinton. The latest, starring Keegan-Michael Key, may be the least funny “humor” clip in some time.

We dare you to laugh once. It’s in the tradition of those “Funny or Die” clips from Team Will Ferrell. The more partisan they get, the less they make us laugh.

Watching some of that site’s pro-ObamaCare videos now is downright painful given the latest headlines on the health care debacle.

Shut up!

The only recent clip that will make you smile came from Aziz Ansari. Too bad he goes the Full Al Gore near the end.

Mr. Yankovic isn’t here to make waves or insult a good swath of the American public. He’s just making us laugh. And boy do we need it right about now.


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