Devouring Democracy: The Left Embodies the Archetype of Female Predation

AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson

“The future is female” is more than a feminist slogan. It is a foreshadowing of an emerging Western culture that will be rooted in female forms of power and, therefore, governed by feminine manifestations of oppression. Rather than relying on physical force, power is wielded through the manipulation of perception and the exploitation of emotion.


This phenomenon can be observed in the Harris/Walz Democratic Party’s presidential campaign. The party’s message is characterized by powerful and privileged individuals and groups using the vulnerabilities of dependent populations as mechanisms to solidify and grow their political and institutional power.

The Structure of Female Predation

The archetype of female predation is the devouring mother. Rather than providing nurture and care to her children, this mother weaponizes her children’s dependent status, using it as a mechanism to increase her power. Those under the care of the devouring mother are perpetual infants, never moving out of a state of dependence on their caregiver who shields the child from external threats while perpetrating unspeakable harm within the “safe space” of the mother/child relationship.

The feminist nature of culture’s understanding of narratives of power and predation is critical to the left’s overall moral and rhetorical framework because it was from this foundation that intersectionality emerged. This feminist sociological theory created the now well-known victimhood hierarchy by analyzing pain and marginalization through an exploration of intersecting identities such as gender, race, and class.

The left has spent decades building on this foundation, successfully bullying their opposition into framing social issues using a feminist lens that makes no room for genuine criticism of power perpetrated by groups perceived as marginalized. Instead, our culture’s language of pain, oppression, and marginalization was created by academic disciplines dominated by left-wing ideologies.


The dynamic between Democratic leaders and their followers embodies this relationship.

The party can champion a woman’s “right to choose” while failing to define what a woman is. Similarly, bodily autonomy is a foundational right—until it involves choosing whether to accept or reject vaccination. And the trend shows no sign of abating, with Harris choosing Tim Walz as her vice presidential candidate. This is a man who exaggerated his military record to gain public support and advocated for the marginalized despite waffling on protecting the citizens of Minneapolis as it was burned in the 2020 protests.

Because the left has controlled the cultural narrative for decades, vulnerable populations understandably emotionally identify with its leaders’ messaging. This is why Harris can campaign without a single policy proposal on her website. Democrats win votes by exploiting the pain of those at the bottom of traditional social hierarchies. They do this through friendly media and indirect centralized control over informational sources. 

The public is bombarded with messages espousing the Democratic Party’s virtue while hearing of the bigotry of the Republicans. Dry policy discussions of complex systems beyond the average American’s control are no match for visceral emotional pain, and vulnerable populations are increasingly easy to exploit via targeted media propaganda.

In response, the right has been asleep at the wheel for decades. Conservatives lost the culture war in part because they were unwilling to challenge the framework of the left, instead seeking to prove their compassion by pandering to an ever more progressive culture.


This strategy, of course, was destined to fail, and the decades-long defensive game came at a high cost. Because defense was the default response to an insurgent leftist culture, society is now conditioned to view liberals as more empathetic, even when evidence suggests those on the left judge members of out-groups more harshly than do conservatives.

The Devouring of Democracy

If conservatives are unable to change the cultural tide, democracy will be devoured by the Democratic Party’s infinite appetite for power and control.

Without a coherent alternative, current culture is ripe prey for the Democratic Party. Issues of human rights and dignity are framed in terms sympathetic to the left’s ideology. And, in a technological era driven by rapid informational exchange, the threat of reputational damage is often far more effective than physical force.

The leftist grip on cultural power may be slipping, particularly after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Still, a remarkable series of events has unfolded in recent weeks, including the remarkably undemocratic replacement of President Biden as the Democratic Party nominee in favor of a progressive leftist’s intersectional dream. 

Harris faces a favorable media climate and the benefits of tying any criticism of her to deeply prejudicial motives such as racism, sexism, and bigotry. Given the Supreme Court’s unfortunate rejection of the Missouri v Biden lawsuit, Harris also receives the benefits of indirect government censorship through the close ties formed by the Biden White House and powerful technology companies.


Now more than ever, perception is reality, and our cultural gatekeepers mirror back to the public a distorted image of reality, manipulated to maximize the power of leftist ideologies, politicians, and social power brokers. 

Americans watch as democracy and the consent of the governed are devoured by powerful forces that prize the performative over the virtuous and pander to the pain of the victimized masses to entrench power and control.

It is the party that panders for power and controls out of a commitment to the “good.” And, unless there is a swift change of course, it will devour the last remaining traces of the Democracy it pretends to protect.



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