It’s the most wonderful time of the year. No, not Christmas and New Year’s, but the anticipation is practically the same. It’s Girl Scout cookie time! Yes, right about now you should locate your nearest Girl Scout so you can put your order in ASAP. When cookie delivery hits around March, you know that your friends and family aren’t going to let you mooch off of their fresh boxes of Thin Mints or Samoas. They’re practically worth their weight in gold.
The organization, which has been around since 1912, is in its 101st year of cooking selling, according to USA Today. Not that we need another reason to load up on the delicious, sweet treats that are only available once a year, but it “credits the cookie program with instilling business and entrepreneurial skills in its members.” The money funds local troop activities and projects, so the scouts get to see the fruits of their hard work. So buying cookies means supporting the entrepreneurial spirit of young girls and having the perfect afternoon/midnight snack on hand? Sounds good!
It seems that every household orders the same variety of cookies every year. In ours, we double up on the Thin Mints because they stay fresh in the freezer for months. We add two boxes of Samoas because they’re the most perfect cookie ever created, with their mix of caramel, chocolate, and coconut. But we also throw in a box of Trefoils and Tagalongs for good measure. It turns out that the Thin Mint is the best-selling cookie for the Girl Scouts, with Samoas next in line. The S’mores, which were introduced last year, will be returning in 2018, and they were the “the most popular flavor to launch” in Girl Scouts’ history.
You can find out where to get your stash on the Girls Scouts’ website.
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