Sibling Halloween Costumes Guaranteed to Break the Internet

As Halloween approaches, I am reminded daily of how close we are to becoming a family of four. My due date is in early November, which means that I could easily have this baby before (or on!) Halloween. Despite the utter terror my husband and I are feeling at the thought of handling a newborn and a toddler, I am getting increasingly excited about the prospect of dressing up my little guys for the spooky holiday in the years to come. There will only be a handful of times that they will let me run with an idea (before they start deciding on their own that they would prefer to be some superhero rather than dress in some ironic or tongue-in-cheek costume that I think up…)


If you have small children, chances are that you, too, would like to have a little fun on the 31st. I rounded up some incredibly cute (and very funny) themed costumes for siblings to wear. It can be especially difficult when a baby is thrown into the mix, so luckily some of these options incorporate a need to dress up someone who can’t yet walk. Enjoy!

Also, we’d love for you to share pictures of your sibling costumes in the comments section!

Cruella de Vil and a Dalmation

Were you worried that your little girl might not appreciate having a younger sibling? You can let her wear her feelings on her costume, while your little one can stay on all fours.

Lion Tamer and his Lion

This one is perfect if you want to take your older child trick-or-treating but don’t know what to do with the baby. This way you can wheel your lion from door to door while your tamer gets all the treats.

Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog

One of the most classic couples can come to life for your kids this Halloween. The great part is that it doesn’t matter how old your Kermit is—he can be a teeny baby or a bigger kid. Bonus points if they can do the voices.

The Flintstones

These costumes can even be taken up a notch if you have it in you to create a little car (out of cardboard) for the kids to “drive” around in, Flintstones style. The costumes might be a bit chilly for them if you live in the northern half of the country, but if you’re in a warmer climate, go for it. “Wilma!!!!”


Football Player and His Ball

Do you have a budding sports fan on your hands? And an adorable little bundle as well? Dressing the baby as a pigskin is a great way to incorporate him or her into an older sibling’s theme. Just make sure no one punts the ball…

Cookie Monster and Cookie

Sesame Street fans everywhere will adore this duo. My son hasn’t even seen the show, and he knows Cookie Monster. When it comes time for you to be home and give out treats to the kids who ring your bell, consider having Cookie Monster and Cookie hand out small packets of chocolate chip cookies to keep with the theme.

Ghostbuster and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man

Your kids might not get this one, since this movie is 22 years old (!!), but you and all of your friends will certainly appreciate the reference.

Old Ladies

This is possibly my favorite of all time. Have two little ladies who need costumes? This might be the way to go. You’ll cherish the pictures for years to come, and they’ll certainly win any costume contests that they enter.

Starbucks Barista and a Frappucino

Every parent knows the importance of a nearby Starbucks. Why not dress your little ones as a barista and frapp? Let’s face it, they’re the reason you need caffeine in the first place.


Colonel Sanders and a Chicken

KFC never looked so good. The nice thing is that your little chicken will be nice and warm while the good Colonel goes to your neighbors for goodies.



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