
Hocus Pocus! Are Democrat Voters REALLY This Stupid, or Are They Simply Easy to Control?

Patrick Connolly/Las Vegas Review-Journal via AP

As a 35-year stand-up comedy veteran, I can assure you that controlling people's emotions is simple, especially when they come to you to be controlled.

People go to comedy clubs and look to comedians to make them laugh. Some watch horror films to feel fear that isn't real. Others jump out of airplanes to feel exhilaration. 

Someone once gushingly complimented a magician I worked with. 

TA-DA-O-RAMA! Many comedians see magicians as the lowest creatures on the showbiz totem pole. Most of them don't "create" anything. They typically purchase "tricks" and practice how to pull them off without being caught.  

"That guy is AMAZING," an audience member told me.

"You know there is no such thing as magic," I queried.

"Oh YEAH, then how did he do it," the stooge asked me, insinuating that magic is somehow real. So I told him how the trick was done. He was gutted, not because I told him how the "magic" works, but because I proved to the grown-up man that magic isn't real. What he likely never realized is just how easy it was for a dude in a bad tuxedo to control him into believing the unbelievable.

Now let's talk about how your Bozo-haired thing-in-law can't see reality, choosing instead to believe the "magic" that tells him that the Democrats are good people who care about [insert black, gay, migrant, or any other minority] people, the climate, and whatever else zhe is told to find important.

The uniparty works like an evil magician. Its members draw your attention to something like, say, human rights. They give money to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with noble-sounding names such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. The leftist sees this and believes the Democratic Party is virtuous, and therefore so is zhe for voting for the Democrats. 

Zhe believes in magic because, despite their noble names, those groups are allegedly dedicated to antisemitism

Democrats marvel at the "trick" being performed and yet can't refuse to see the reality.

FACT-O-RAMA! The magician doesn't make a rabbit disappear. He dazzles and distracts the viewers' eyes with one hand while pulling off the "trick" with his other. The globalists do the same thing.

Even though I was able to convince a moron that magic isn't real, your Bozo liberal friend believes in Democrat magic and refuses to see that the trick is fake.

As Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov warned us, a person who has been "demoralized" can no longer determine what is real and what is not. He referred to it as "ideological subversion."

“What it basically means is to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country," Bezmenov warned. He was just getting started.

As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures; even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it, until he receives a kick in his fan-bottom. When a military boot crushes his balls then he will understand. But not before that. That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization.

When I explained to the aforementioned stooge how the trick worked, that was Bezmenov's "military boot" crashing the man's bean bag.

"But KDJ, you were a NYC libdolt," you may ask. "How did you see the light?"

Whereas the Democrats use cult-like shenanigans to keep people loyal, including playing on peoples' self-esteem, ("If you are a lib you are good; if not, you are evil."), I have always been more focused on being accurate. I prefer reality to a false sense of feeling stoic.

Related: The Cult of Liberalism, From Someone Who Escaped

Another reason people prefer to believe the political "magic" is fear.

Most liberals scoff at the idea of the "deep state."

How terrifying is it for some to accept the reality that the deep state not only exists but it spied on Trump? It also tried to boot him from the White House with the myth of "Trump-Russia collusion." It invented reasons to impeach him. It created a list of lies meant to make people hate him to the point that 28% of Democrats now want him killed.

It's easy for you and I to believe that the deep state is behind the assassination attempts on Trump, especially when we see Operation Mockingbird media mudpuppies repeatedly refer to such thoughts as "conspiracy theories."

Despite a mountain of evidence, libs refuse to believe that the man they voted for took $27 million from countries — including China — because accepting this reality would mean that they fell for the "magic," even though some, astonishingly, went so far as to laughingly believe that Trump staged his own assassination attempt in Butler, Pa. 

As Bezmenov stated, they can't tell what is real and what is fake. And that is the black magic of politics.


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