
It's Still August, but People Are Already Putting Up Their Election Pandemic Decorations

AP Photo/Teresa Crawford

One of the most terrifying events of my lifetime was watching how easily We the People surrendered our liberties over a virus that more than 99% of people who contracted it would survive. Our government's response to COVID-19, particularly in blue commie states, was mind-boggling.

We obeisantly stayed home, left our businesses shuttered, and stood alone on science-free stickers at the grocery store (we were told that only one family member at a time could go to the store). Sadly, the American people showed the government how easily we were willing to surrender our liberties, and the government paid attention and took notes.

With the November election less than three months away, the pinkos are back to their old skullduggery and perhaps a few new tricks. After just a few days after returning to the classroom, schools in Alabama and Tennessee have closed their doors and switched to remote learning after a "surge" in COVID cases.

It's easy for leftists to point their fingers and point out that both schools are in traditionally conservative states, but a simple Google search shows us that the mayor of Montgomery Ala., Stephen Reed, is a Democrat. I couldn't find any information on the political party of the mayor of Humboldt, Tenn.

SCAREDY CAT-O-RAMA!  The pinkos running New York, New Jersey, and Michigan are hinting that they might lockdown students as well.

Johnson-Abernathy-Graetz (JAG) High School decided that its roughly 1,500 students would study from home for four days after 15 out of 127 staff members came down with a case of the Bat Salad flu. There was no information regarding how many students tested positive.

FACT-O-RAMA! COVID hospitalization for teens is rare. Did I mention that more 99.5% of COVID patients survive the virus?

A small school in Western Tennessee with just under 500 students also locked its doors. Officials reported an "uptick" in COVID cases but wouldn't reveal how many students and staff tested positive for COVID.

Meanwhile, a town in Massachusetts is calling for a voluntary lockdown after discovering one case of a mosquito-borne illness called eastern equine encephalitis (EEE).

COVID redux and EEE are in Massachusetts. What else is happening, KDJ? How else will the Marxists try to scare people during an election year?

As if those scare tactics aren't enough, the commie prags at the World Health Organization (WHO) have decided that the "dreaded" monkeypox is back and ready to conquer the world. The WHO has issued something called a "public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC).

FACT-O-RAMA! If monkeypox is so "scary", why did no one try to stop San Francisco's superspreader event, the "Up Your Alley Street Fair" in 2022, which involved a lot of gay men having sex?

The monkeypox scare tactic isn't surprising considering that Dr. Anthony Fauci tried to weaponize it a few years ago. Wonder why?

Related: Congressional Report: Fauci Tried to Weaponize Monkeypox

Listing the potential election year "pandemics" facing us is exhausting, but I'm not done.

If you dare to stand up against the scare porn of monkeypox, something called EEE, and COVID II: Electric Boogaloo, there is always the possibility of the fearsome bird flu.

FACT-O-RAMA! The globalists know that scared people are easier to control.

We've heard that bird flu can kill millions, which would please the slugs at the World Economic Forum (WEF) which has recently "predicted" that 6 billion souls might be lost in 2025. Thus far the U.S. has had 13 cases of bird flu, and none of them have given up the ghost.

What have we learned?

COVID has a survivability of 99.5%. One elderly man in Massachusetts has something called EEE and is still kicking. Monekypox seems to affect primarily gay men. Bird flu has infected 13 people, yet despite the fear-mongering, none have died. If the globalists want to scare people into submission, they had better come up with something devastating, STAT.

The election will be here soon, and if Americans aren't quivering in fear over a phantom virus, they can't control us. We don't need to get fooled again.


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