Alejandro Mayorkas Is an Absolute Menace. Wait Until You See What We've Found!

AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein

I was sipping a Manhattan, reading about the last latest attempt to assassinate Trump, when it occurred to me that someone, somewhere in the United States Secret Service (USSS), sucks at their job more than I thought. 


Check out the musings of the most recent animal who considered putting a .44 bullet into 45:

His profound analects remind me of the half-pie bull's wool I frequently find on my Facebook profile and in my email inbox: asinine piffle written by a supposed "man" who refers to his target as "tRump." Get it? Rump! Now insert the emoji of a wOman who is ROFLHAO!

This would-be assassin is the perfect stooge for the Democrats, who just spent four nights vomitously spewing Trump-hating rhetoric. Never mind that a smelly, pimply-faced incel tried to put a bullet in Trump's head after leftists have screeched, "Trump is literally Hitler" since 2016. 

The hateful rhetoric was back this week at the DNC convention. The Democratic Party's biggest headliners came out to scare their weakest minions, and on cue, some easy meat in Arizona showed up, threatening to kill Trump.

But that isn't the fault of the USSS. Their job, made much more difficult by mouthy Democrat apparatchiks, is to protect Trump from the animals who respond to the Democrats' hateful tirades.

Trump was in Arizona visiting his wall — and what others call "Kamala's wall," stacks of rusting material roasting in the hot sun — as the Secret Service chased down yet another possible assassin.


FACT-O-RAMA! Gropey Joe Biden put Kamala Harris in charge of the border. She did nothing to close it. An estimated 12 million illegal immigrants are believed to have crossed into the United States since Biden took office.

Joe Biden left the border open. He's at the top of the Washington, D.C., dung heap and takes the blame for his decisions. But rarely does a tyrannical miscreant act alone. History shows us that the master-blaster of every evil dynasty required a slew of despotic myrmidons to roll up their sleeves and chip in with the cruciation.

FACT-O-RAMA! If you think Hitler and Stalin were thugs, read about their henchmen Heinrich Himmler and Lavrentiy Beria.

The two most pressing issues today are arguably protecting Trump, who many see as the greatest hope of beginning to deliver We the People from communism, and ebbing the crush of our replacements pouring over the southern border.

The mass of illegal immigrants is essential to the globalists' plans to establish a "new world order." Trump is the man most likely to stop them (for now).

And the one man in charge of the border and Trump's security is Alejandro Mayorkas. Mayorkas' Department of Homeland Security (DHS) just happens to be responsible for both the Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) and the Secret Service. Weird, right?

FACT-O-RAMA! The Secret Service was formed in 1865 and was placed under the Department of Treasury. In 2003 it was transferred to the Department of Homeland Security. The CBP was established in 1924 and was also transferred to the DHS in 2003.


Mayorkas' real border job is to lock it down tight, but his pinko mission is to leave it open, which he has done. He is also expected to protect various politicians, including Trump, who has made it his job to stop Mayorkas' gavaging of illegal immigrants over the border. 

In other words, it's like the fox protecting the henhouse as well as the rabbits' den.

DISCLAIMER-O-RAMA! I am not suggesting Mayorkas orchestrated the attempt on Trump's life, but I do have questions about the events that led to the shooting.

The Secret Service appears to have been woefully inadequate when it came to Trump's protection in Butler, Pennsylvania. 

Warnings were ignored. The USSS failed to pick up radios that would have allowed them to communicate with local law enforcement. A lookout was placed on the same roof used by the shooter but was abandoned because of the heat.

Here's the fun part: According to Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.), Trump's appearance in Butler was the only time in history that the Secret Service provided a counter-sniper team to a former president.

According to my investigation, USSS had never, prior to J13, assigned a counter-sniper team to a former POTUS, including Trump. I will not be 100% certain of this assertion without further investigation into documented records, but USSS counter-sniper teams stated clearly to ESU Command that they had never been deployed to a former POTUS event, nor had they heard of a prior deployment by other USSS counter-sniper teams.

Related: How to Make an Assassination Attempt Disappear With 1 Simple Trick


FACT-O-RAMA! The House impeached Mayorkas for his border skullduggery in February. The Democrats, led by quisling Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), dismissed the charges.

Mayorkas came into the DHS like a wrecking ball. He traitorously ordered the CBP to leave the Southern border open. His USSS created the perfect storm for an AFC to crack off a round at Trump. But you're not supposed to notice.

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