
Kathy Hochul's Tyranny Amp Goes to 11 Over Holiday Week

AP Photo/Hans Pennink

As normal Americans were preparing for a Thanksgiving feast, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul was hiding behind the holiday hoopla and quietly unleashing a beehive of despotism not seen in the Empire State since Andrew Cuomo slaughtered almost 15,000 elderly people in his infamous COVID-19 nursing home scandal.

Between Thanksgiving preparations — and a magically-timed car explosion at the Niagara Falls Rainbow Bridge — Hochul was going full-Mao on the people who supposedly voted her into office.

FACT-O-RAMA! Up to as many as 15,000 elderly New Yorkers were sacrificed when then-governor Cuomo sent tens of thousands of COVID-positive elders from hospitals back into the nursing homes from whence they came, rather than use the Navy Hospital ship provided by President Trump. Some clever media pundits believe the Democrats also wanted a higher COVID death count to scare the populace into submission and also to use the bodies as propaganda against Trump and his response to the virus Fauci paid the Chinese to create. The there is that whole, "ballot drop box" calamity the Democrats used to cheat Trumnp out of office.

Read and enjoy how Kathy dances on the tightrope between the murderous rape gang called Hamas and the large contingent of New York State Jewish donors as she introduces the Empire State to some Bolshie bulls**t:

Since October 7, there has been a 400 percent increase in threats against Jews, Muslims, and Arabs. And make no mistake, we've not stood idly by. My number one priority has been and will continue to be protecting the safety of our residents. That's why I want to inform you about some of the actions that we're taking to keep New Yorkers safe from extremism and violence.

Yes, there have been a few examples of violence against Muslims, but the vast majority of hate crimes in the U.S. have targeted Jews. FBI Director Christopher Wray claimed that the epidemic of anti-Semitism is approaching "historic levels." He did not say the same for anti-Muslim crimes.

On Tuesday, November 21, Hochul announced she is forking over mad stacks — $78 million in total — to various departments, including the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services’ Domestic Terrorism Prevention Unit’s Threat Assessment and Management training program, which would expand training to every college and university in New York.

I was not aware that the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services’ Domestic Terrorism Prevention Unit’s Threat Assessment and Management was offering training to schools of pinko programming higher education. More importantly, what kind of "training" does she mean?

This is Hochul's plan is to stop online "hate speech." Who gets to decide what is "hate speech" and disinformation? Comrade Kathy Hochul, that's who. Buried in that plan is a subterfuge to create a "media literacy toolkit" to help college students learn how to identify "misinformation/disinformation/malinformation" (MDM).

Wishing to leave no young minds free, Hochul decided to brainwash kids in K-12 as well.

And just when you think your tyranny Geiger counter is about to explode, Hochul also sent a letter to social media sites asking them to monitor her citizens.

DEJA VU-O-RAMA! The FBI and various other alphabet agencies colluded with social media sites to censor users who said things the regime found unacceptable, such as "Hunter's laptop," "masks don't work," and my favorite, "COVID didn't come from a bat sandwich; it came from a lab in Wuhan and Fauci helped pick up the tab." The FBI actually handed Twitter roughly $3.5 million for helping censor people who refused to bend their knees and raise their sleeves to COVID-mania.

And what kind of Stalinicious goodness would be complete without a visit from the Gestapo?

If the Hochul regime doesn't like your tweet, you might get a visit from the cops. She also shoved $50 million to expand red flag laws.

OPINION-O-RAMA! I believe expanding "red flag" laws is a red flag for liberty.

As expected, what kind of Hochul-pocus would be complete without hitting some various left-wing buzzwords? Watch how the Kath-master works "white supremacy" into the press release as she talks about her threat assessment and management teams (TAM).

And that's where our threat assessment and management teams come in – the TAM teams. This is an initiative I actually launched over a year and a half ago in the aftermath of the Buffalo Massacre after a racist shooting by a white supremacist who targeted 10 of my neighbors. That's when we activated more surveillance of critical threats for harm online.

If you believe Hochul lives in a black neighborhood, I suggest you leave now and get your news here.

Rule 2.13 Isolation and Quarantine Procedures

Not a lot of people know this, but the Hochul administration had, lost, and has regained the "right" to send you to a COVID medical facility camp at any time, for as long as she wants, wherever she wants, without a judge signing off on your "transfer."

A judge decided earlier this year that Rule 2.13 was unconstitutional, but New York Attorney General Letitia James appealed the ruling, and she freaking won.

Rule 2.13: "Whenever appropriate to control the spread of a highly contagious communicable disease, the State Commissioner of Health may issue and/or may direct the local health authority to issue isolation and/or quarantine orders, consistent with due process of law, to all such persons as the State Commissioner of Health shall determine appropriate."

Related: Tyranny Denied! New York Dems Can No Longer Send Anyone, Anytime, to a 'COVID Camp'

There's more camp tyranny:  "For the purposes of quarantine orders, quarantine locations may include home quarantine, other residential or temporary housing quarantine, or quarantine at such other locations as the public health authority issuing the order deems appropriate, consistent with any direction that the State Commissioner of Health may issue."

Why did you not hear about this Mao-like nonsense?

On November 17, a New York judge decided that locking people up — whether they are sick or not — is just dandy. The judge based his draconian decision on standing, claiming that those who brought the suit had not suffered “a direct and personal injury" due to the law. They are appealing the decision.

But the news didn't hit the airwaves right away. It somehow didn't come out until November 22, the same day Hochul suggested that a car explosion on the U.S.-Canadian border was a terror attack, news that stole the headlines for the next few days. 

Was it a terror attack as Hochul hinted? Terrorism was ruled out later that day after the news of the re-opening of Camp Kathy snuck out.

What have we learned?

We learned that Hochul was making Lenin-like moves on New Yorkers as they prepared for Thanksgiving. We now know she is targeting the social media sites of her constituents and looking for what she calls "hate speech" and threatening to send her KGB if she doesn't like your opinions.

She is brainwashing kids from Kindergarten through their college years.

Worse, Hochul currently has the right to send you to a COVID camp if she "thinks" you're sick, you know, like this woman in Australia:


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