Think Your Kids' Schools Are Bad? UN-Run Schools Are Teaching Kids to Fight for ISIS

Sally Quinn is shown in her home in the Georgetown section of Washington, Monday, Dec. 15, 1997 (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)


Kids as young as seven are calling for the killing of Jews and are pledging their allegiance to ISIS in schools run by the UN. The documentary “The UNRWA Road to Terror: Palestinian Classroom Incitement,” shows a clip of a Palestinian child who is a 13-year-old student at one of the schools run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency chanting “With Allah’s help I will fight for ISIS, the Islamic State.”


Congress is currently looking into bills before it adjourns for the summer that could halt funding for these schools. The U.S. provided $390 million to aid to UNRWA in 2015 alone.

Doug Lamborn, R-Colo., thinks there should be reforms for these schools saying, “It is a crime against humanity, an outrage, and does not in any way prepare the Palestinian population or future generations of Palestinians for peace with Israelis. It is unacceptable that the international community, including the United States, is funding UNRWA without demanding change.”

The documentary shows children from several schools expressing their hatred for Jews and their willingness to join and support ISIS. A 7-year-old girl is filmed saying, “We have to make war to prove we are stronger than the Jews.”

Another child who is 13 says, “Right now I am prepared to be a suicide bomber.” The film’s producer, David Bedein, has been researching UNRWA for close to 30 years. Bedein claims there are some discrepancies regarding how the U.S. has handled this issue saying, “The U.S. government sponsored the peace process, yet the same U.S. government undermines any hope of peace by funding problematic UN schools.”

Bassam Eid, a Palestinian human rights activist, has confirmed that the film is an accurate account saying, “The film accurately portrays UNRWA schools… advocacy of violence remains rampant dictated by teachers who run the U.S.-funded UNRWA schools.”

UNRWA spokesman Christopher Gunness claims that Bedein has confused the UN schools with other Palestinian schools where violance may be taught saying, “He shows teachers claiming they are UNRWA teachers when in fact they are not and he plays the same tricks with students, often misrepresenting what they say in slanted translations.” Gunness also claims that students were coerced to say such things with leading questions like, “How much do you hate Jews?”


A spokesman from the State Department claims they have asked UNWRA to look into the accusations that are presented in the film saying, “We’ve looked into the allegations contained in the referenced film and discussed with UNRWA the need for the agency to do the same.” In the same breath, the State Department sided with UNWRA, claiming that this particular filmmaker’s accusations have been “debunked” in the past.

Watch the video and you will see there is clearly no mistaking what is being taught in these schools. Time for the U.S. to leave the UN.




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