Transgender Activist Chris Tyson Leaves MrBeast YouTube Channel Amid Child Grooming Allegations

NickRewind, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Chris Tyson, who now goes by “Ava Kris Tyson,” announced that he is leaving the MrBeast YouTube channel on X after accusations of grooming a thirteen-year-old boy surfaced online.


The MrBeast media empire seemed unstoppable. Even with the most followed YouTube channel worldwide, the brand continued to grow with a chain for burgers and even candy bars inside grocery stores. Children in particular love the channel, which includes various stunts; many of them involve MrBeast giving money to charity or random people to seemingly make their dreams come true.

Parents started to get concerned in 2022 when one of the channel co-hosts, Tyson, announced that he was transgender and was taking hormone therapy, leaving his wife and his young son to pursue his dream of pretending to be a woman. The media cheered for Tyson and gaslit parents who were concerned about young children watching such a person as a role model, with articles saying he was under attack from “far-right extremists” and painting him as a victim of “transphobia.”  

In 2023, a screenshot of Tyson saying, “Nothing gets my k**b cranking like some loli,” surfaced on his X account. "Loli" refers to Japanese animated pornography where the girls are drawn to look underage, adding to the fears of parents of children watching MrBeast programming.


As usual, parental instincts proved to be more reliable than the mainstream media as allegations of child grooming surfaced yesterday. Screenshots allegedly detailed Tyson as an adult building a relationship with a thirteen-year-old boy who goes by the online moniker Lava after Lava won a contest on the MrBeast channel where the prize was a signed knife.   

Tyson allegedly began talking to the boy regularly when he was 13 to 15 years old, with many screenshots posted showing sexually explicit talk between the adult and child. The content is graphic, and the Fandom Pulse Substack page detailed it. Tyson spoke frequently with the boy on multiple platforms, including X, Patreon, Discord, and Snapchat — which instantly deletes posts to leave no evidence of what occurred.  

It was noted that Tyson had, over the last month, deleted every tweet he’d made on his X profile, leaving it completely blank and without any possibility of evidence.

MrBeast put Lava, now an adult, in contact with pop culture drama-mining streamer Keemstar; Lava then told Keemstar that the explicit conversations were just jokes and that no one should worry about Tyson’s behavior. Many in the comments believed that the YouTuber may have paid off the boy, though no further information surfaced confirming those suspicions.  


Today, Tyson took to his X profile and posted that he would leave the program after the pressure mounted online. His post read, “I would like to apologize for any of my past behavior or comments if it hurt or offended anyone. It was not my intent. Seeing recent events, we’ve mutually decided it’s best I permanently step away from all things MrBeast and social media to focus on my family and mental health.”

The immediate removal of Tyson from the MrBeast program is an odd look if everyone involved truly believed that there was no wrongdoing. The single post is the only statement on Chris Tyson’s current profile under his assumed name @kristyson. 


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