Antifa Drives Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Out of His Home

AP Photo/Craig Mitchelldyer, File

The race for Worst Mayor in the United States is starting to heat up. There are a lot of contenders: de Blasio, Garcetti, Lightfoot, Durkan, Frey, Bottoms… They’re all bad public servants and even worse liars. Most mayors only disappoint and infuriate their own citizens, but these select few keep pissing off the whole world. Now there’s a dark horse in the race, and he’s moving up fast. He might not be running the biggest city in the country, but right now it’s one of the most violent. And he has absolutely no idea what to do about the chaos and destruction within his city limits, because his liberal ideas about the world haven’t prepared him for it. Of course, I’m talking about Ted Wheeler, the mayor of Portland, Oregon.


For the past three months, Portland has been the scene of nightly riots. When the sun goes down, Antifa and BLM show up to break things, set fires, and beat people up. Now they’ve graduated to murder. And how does Wheeler respond?

Everyone deserves to feel safe in their community. This is what we’re all supposed to be fighting for. But last night…

Posted by Ted Wheeler on Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Get Those Evil… Dentists?! Portland Antifa Rioters Burn Dentist’s Office With Apartments Above

Well, that oughta do it. Those rioters simply didn’t know they were inconveniencing anyone. They just needed to be told they’re doing the wrong thing. Now that they’ve seen Mayor Wheeler’s heartfelt social media posts, I’m sure they’ll knock it off already.

Meanwhile, on Planet Earth, these Antifa scumbags just proved that capitulating to them doesn’t work. If you coddle them, they just see it as a sign of weakness and redouble their efforts against you.

Everton Bailey Jr., The Oregonian:

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler says he’s looking for a new place to live after his Pearl District condo building has been the site of repeated demonstrations, including on Monday when crowds demanded he resign and some people set fires and broke windows.


In an email Tuesday from Wheeler to other residents of the 16-floor high-rise tower, the mayor said it would be “best for me and for everyone else’s safety and peace” that he finds a new home…

“I want to express my sincere apologies for the damage to our home and the fear that you are experiencing due to my position,” according to a screenshot of the email sent to The Oregonian/OregonLive. “It’s unfair to all of you who have no role in politics or in my administration.”

If you haven’t seen what Wheeler is talking about, journalist and Antifa bête noire Andy Ngo has been following it:

Is Antifa Holding America’s Safety Hostage… to Elect Joe Biden?

Wheeler has made a big show of rejecting federal help, because #DrumpfIsBad. In return, Antifa is going after him even harder.

And that’s just another week in Portland. It’s commonplace now. Everybody who’s been paying attention knows about it. And yet, when CNN sends “journalists” to cover it, they send out stuff like this instead:


“Nothing bad is happening to me, you guys. All is well!” And CNN’s Josh Campbell isn’t the only one:

Talk about being blinded by privilege. If journalists used this same logic when it comes to police shootings, they’d be called racist for pointing out that most black people haven’t been shot by the cops.

Journalists and other Democrats find themselves in a bit of a pickle right now. This rioting has been going on for months, all over the country, but the Democrats have only just now realized it’s a problem for them. Do the journos help them out by denying there’s any rioting at all, or do they blame the rioting on Trump? Being liberals and therefore fully schooled in the discipline of doublethink, they’re doing both simultaneously. “See? There are no riots. And besides, the riots are Trump’s fault anyway!”

So now Antifa and BLM have driven the mayor of Portland out of his home. Anyone who defends himself against these thugs is prosecuted. Antifa are a law unto themselves in Portland. They’ve won. You can scold them all you want, Mr. Mayor, but they’re not going to stop because you haven’t made them stop.

Congratulations, Ted!

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