Last Civil War Pensioner Dies at Age 90

The last Civil War pensioner. Screenshot from video.

It seems impossible to believe, but the last person to receive a Civil War pension has recently died. Irene Triplett, who had received $73.13 per month since 1938, passed away on May 31 at the age of 90. Her father, Mose Triplett, earned the pension after defecting from the Confederate Army in 1864 and joining the Union forces. When he died at age 92, his daughter Irene inherited the pension.


Imagine that. A pension that began 155 years ago paid out by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs finally stopped in 2020. Mose Triplett married very late in life, to a woman 50 years his junior. Irene was born in 1930. Both she and her mother suffered from mental incapacities, so they qualified for government assistance. Mose died in 1938. Irene and her mother reportedly had few advantages in life, and lived in the Wilkes County Poor House for many years. Irene’s mother died in the late sixties, and Irene continued to receive assistance—and her daddy’s Civil War pension—for another 50-plus years.

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Irene did an interview a few years ago. Check it out.

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Jeff Reynolds is the author of the book, “Behind the Curtain: Inside the Network of Progressive Billionaires and Their Campaign to Undermine Democracy,” available now at Jeff hosts a podcast at You can follow him on Twitter @ChargerJeff.


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