BOOK REVIEW: The Conqueror: Book One of the Hieronymus Papers.
The book is here.
BOOK REVIEW: The Conqueror: Book One of the Hieronymus Papers.
The book is here.
Amy, you literally refused to even stand for a cancer survivor last night.
— Dustin Grage (@GrageDustin) March 6, 2025
For real 🤣
— Clown World ™ 🤡 (@ClownWorld_) March 6, 2025
OPEN THREAD: This thread’s for you.
ROGER SIMON: Can a Political Party Have a Personality Disorder?
Who are those people, I wondered Tuesday night, as I watched the Democrats sit on their hands when brain cancer victim 13-year-old Devarjaye “D.J.” Daniel was recognized as an honorary Secret Service agent?
But that was only one moment in a litany of similar nauseating reactions, or lack thereof, during President Trump’s first address to Congress for his second term.
And that’s not counting Al Green’s sad acting out that resulted in his ejection. Mr. Green needs help but is unlikely to get it.
I had to shake myself to remember I was once a Democrat in what seems like the Paleolithic Age but was actually a tad less than twenty-five years ago., scarcely a minute in human time.
Nevertheless, the party I left, even though it was trending in the wrong direction, didn’t seem much like what I was watching now. What had happened? Why did they all behave like sullen children without an ounce of optimism for the future?
Read the whole thing.
Nicolle Wallace, while talking to Rachel Maddow, crossed so far into the ghoul zone during President Trump’s address to Congress that she may never get out. Her comments make crazy Al Green’s expulsion from the audience last night seem like the normal garden variety nuttiness one expects from congressional hacks.
Last night, these gals sank their teeth into a 13-year-old boy, Devarjaye “DJ” Daniel. He made the mistake of being honored by President Trump after recovering from a brain tumor and multiple surgeries. You know, the young man who always wanted to be a police officer. The young man who made grown men cry and women weep when he was enrolled as an honorary Secret Service Agent and then gave the agent enrolling him a big hug.
Well, so much for that person of color. And don’t let your lying eyes linger on that great big proud dad with his du-rag and white cowboy hat — the one who lifted his son so high in the air that he could see everyone, and they could see him as the president honored him.
Wallace, in her twisted way, managed to tie this human interest story into January 6, seditious conspiracy, and police suicides. Donald Trump is the undying villain in her fantasy world. Poor DJ was only 9 years old back then, so yes, it is sick out there and getting sicker. And Wallace is the poster girl for this.
Here are her words about DJ and his aspiration to be a police officer: “I hope he has a long life as a law enforcement officer, but I hope he never has to defend the United States and Capitol against Donald Trump’s supporters. And if he does, I hope he isn’t one of the six who loses his life to suicide. And I hope he isn’t one who has to testify against the people who carried out acts of seditious conspiracy and then lives to see Donald Trump pardon those people.”
This is a classic example of the heartless Washington media ghoul at work. She is challenging her audience to suppress their human emotions. She is reminding them to be clear-sighted and remember that their human compassion might mislead them into thinking even one good thought about the pure evil that is Donald Trump. These emotions need to be nipped in the bud in order to prevail politically.
Of course, craziness abounds at the Comcast-owned cable network:
● Agitated MSNBC Finds It ‘Very Painful’ That GOP Is Defending Women’s Sports.
● Scarborough ‘Quite Confident’ In Future, Biden Will Be Ranked ‘Very Well’ Among Presidents.
REMINDER: It Is Offensive And Possibly Illegal To Photoshop Anything On These Democrats' Signs That Would Make Them Look Foolish
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) March 5, 2025
WELL, YES. I think people are noticing.
“I voted for Democrats my whole life. They never did anything they promised…. “I vote for a Republican once in my life, and this dude does everything he promised on steroids! Everything I voted for I’m getting!”
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 5, 2025
✅ CONFIRMED: Deputy AG Todd Blanche. 52-46.
— Markwayne Mullin (@SenMullin) March 5, 2025
OLD AND BUSTED: 2001: A Space Odyssey.
The New Hotness? 1915: An AI Odyssey. The LA Times’ new AI tool sympathized with the KKK. Its owner wasn’t aware until hours later.
The Los Angeles Times’ billionaire owner, who unveiled an AI tool that generates opposing perspectives to be displayed on opinion stories, was unaware the new tool had created pro-KKK arguments less than 24 hours after it launched — and hours after the AI comments had been taken down. The incident presents a massive hurdle for the Times, which looks to win back old subscribers and woo new ones with a new suite of offerings.
During an interview with CNN on Tuesday, Patrick Soon-Shiong, the Times’ executive chairman, admitted he had seen neither the piece nor the AI response. But he said the content’s removal showed that there are operational “checks and balances” to the recently introduced system, pegging the moment as a learning opportunity.
“(The incident is) a good lesson to show that at least artificial intelligence is not fully there yet (…) it’s in an attempt to understand that,” Soon-Shiong said.
On early Tuesday, the new AI tool generated counterpoints to a February 25 column from Times columnist Gustavo Arellano. Arellano’s column argued that Anaheim, California, ought to not forget the Ku Klux Klan’s role in its past — calling the white supremacist group “a stain on a place that likes to celebrate the positive” — and connecting it to today’s political landscape. But the divergent views generated by the Times’ AI produced a softer vision of the far-right* group, which it called “‘white Protestant culture’ responding to societal changes rather than an explicitly hate-driven movement.”
* Far right? That would be huge news to Woodrow Wilson and other 1910s and ’20s-era “Progressives:” CNN, Media Freak When GOP’s Rep. Scott Perry Accurately Ties KKK History To Democrats.
The Philadelphia Inquirer, the New Republic and The Daily Beast and others in the liberal media jumped on this as well. The New Republic termed Perry’s remarks “bizarro” while The Daily Beast settled for “bonkers.”
In the Inquirer story the reporter quoted “Matt Jordan, director of the Pennsylvania State University News Literacy” who said that after its founding in 1865 by Democrats “it became an extra-legal terror organization that was never the wing of any political party.”
Where to start with this wildly ignorant understanding of basic American history?
The hard historical fact, per, among many, Columbia University historian Eric Foner is that the KKK was in fact “a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party.” University of North Carolina historian Allen Trelease’s description of the Klan was as the “terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.”
Indeed, the Klan was so tied to the Democrats that the party’s 1924 Convention in New York City has been dubbed the “Klanbake” because so many of the delegates were Klan members.
The Klan’s favorite for the presidential nomination that year was one William Gibbs McAdoo, who had served Democrat – and Klan supporter – President Woodrow Wilson as Secretary of the Treasury. Wilson, recall, was such a staunch Klan supporter that he hosted a White House screening of the pro-Klan, decidedly racist Hollywood blockbuster Birth of a Nation.
As America’s Newspaper of Record noted in 2021: KKK Disbands As Progressive Left Accomplishing All Their Goals.
THE PLANETS ARE LINING UP: Seven planets will line up in ‘parade’ on Friday.
Jay Bhattacharya on the topic most would-be NIH directors would assiduously avoid: How much NIH research is irreproducible or outright fraudulent? The fake amyloid beta *56 protein in Alzheimer's research is the perfect example.
— Emily Kopp (@emilyakopp) March 5, 2025
AVE ATQUE VALE: Australian Man Whose Blood Donations Saved Millions Dies Age 88.
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SEPTEMBER 5: Chilling Recreation of the First Live TV Broadcast of Terrorism.
My latest, on one of the very best movies to come out of 2024. It’s currently streaming on Paramount+, and definitely worth a watch if you didn’t see it on the big screen.
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Democrats File Articles Of Impeachment Against Little Black Boy With Cancer
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) March 5, 2025
LIFE IN THE 21ST CENTURY: NASA uses GPS on the moon for the first time.
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