Business Insider: Politicians 'Making Money' from NRA

Business Insider reported on “The 15 Politicians Who Receive The Most Money From The NRA.” Heading their list is Steve Fincher (R-TN) at $9,900. The Center for Responsive Politics reports the NRA has contributed $568,946 so for in the 2012 election cycle.


While these data are true, the concern is BI’s lede, which mentions Aurora, Colorado and other public shootings, but nothing about people who saved their lives using guns.

There are other groups besides the obvious (e.g. Brady Campaign) with vested interests in promoting gun control. For example, lawyers have demonstrated a consistent tendency to support anti-rights politicians. Had BI done a professional report, they would have noted this truth as well.

Putting the NRA’s contributions into perspective, the American Association for Justice (formerly the Association of Trial Lawyers of America) has contributed $2.5 million so far this election.

Skadden Arps and Sidley Austin, two law firms representing patent holders of firearms technology that would require gun owner licensing and firearms registration, have contributed over $2.2 million this election cycle.

No doubt, BI considers this amount, representing about 3,000 lawyers worldwide, to be democracy in action.

So BI: Is the NRA, which NRA’s Chris Cox calls “a bi-partisan, single-issue organization made up of millions of individual members,” * some sort of anti-democratic conspiracy?


* September 2012 edition of America’s 1st Freedom


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