Texas House members Paul Workman and Jim Murphy, both Republicans, have submitted HB 2886, to establish “a work program for certain persons not legally authorized to be in the United States…” State Rep. Workman filed the bill on March 10.
On page 2 of their draft is this interesting clause:
“Sec. 54.003. ELIGIBILITY. (a) A foreign national who is not lawfully present in this state may apply for a Texas resident alien card.”
In other words, they want to make it easier for non-residents to come to Texas to fill jobs, when our official unemployment rate stands at 8.2%, and the underemployment rate is 18-20%.
Not only that, but they want to flood the labor market with criminals who have already violated federal law.
Both Workman and Murphy are freshmen this year, having defeated Democrat incumbents in liberal-leaning districts. Please contact your legislators and urge them to vote NO on HB 2886.
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