Abortion Amendments Should Include Option to Euthanize Your Grandparents

AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein

Various state abortion limits have hit the abortionist lobby hard. Long ago, these slimy purveyors of death exchanged their hearts for their wallets. And while they are scrambling to make up for lost revenue by pushing puberty blockers and gender-affirming patient suicide, they miss the $10,000-$20,000 in cash they used to get one morning a week for their drive-by work. And the nurses miss their $1,000 a day working at these preborn funeral parlors and body part reclamation centers. 


To resume their cash flow, they are pouring lots of money into various fake abortion amendments. They use weasel words like “viability.” No one defines viability. Connecticut had a viability law for many years; it never stopped a single abortion. It is about the viability of the abortionists' bank accounts. They get rich selling abortions, and their victims get poor in more ways than one.

The bottom line is that abortionists are envious that money that used to go to them is now going to legitimate medical maternal child care. As it says in the Book of Wisdom, “By the envy of the devil, death came into the world.” Cain killed Abel, and family members doing each other in is nothing new.

How are the PR shills selling death? I have in front of me two stupid fliers. One shows a white police officer who must work out seven days a week at the gym. “As a law enforcement officer, we’ve seen it all... including cases of sexual assault and rape.” 

Besides the unmentioned fact that there are exceptions for these things in the law, here is a picture of a big, tough guy who wants preborn babies to be snuffed out. The weakness of the image leaps off the page at you. There are two types of men in the world: predators and protectors. Which one is he posing as?

These are age-old talking points. Abortion reduces crime. Abortion reduces poverty. Abortion improves education. That is why cities like New York and Los Angeles have low crime rates, little poverty, and great education. The opposite is true, just as St. Augustine predicted 1,700 years ago. “Sin leads to sin,” he said. And yes, violence leads to violence because life becomes cheap. Very cheap.


The other flier has an old white guy staring at me, saying, “What kind of government takes freedom away from women... from our granddaughters?” How much better a world will it be for these granddaughters if they can kill your great-grandchildren — and "save lives" in the process?

Here’s a thought. It turns out that seniors over 65 have 19 times the wealth of young people under 35. Why not include another option as part of this amendment? Instead of aborting their child, why can't granddaughters be able to euthanize their grandparents? 

C’mon, old man, you need to have some skin in this game, too. Money talks as the Boomer squawks would be a fair exchange of life for life. It would give your granddaughter a head start in life no abortion could ever give her. Cash and carry the baby.

If you are in Florida, please vote no on Amendment 4 and stop this push for violence. If you are in any state trying to expand abortion, vote no. Forget the flowery rhetoric the left uses to conceal the ugly creep with the scalpel and his or her bank account. Choice is a means to an end. It is not an end in itself. If the end is abortion, the hope for eternal life you may be terminating could be your own. You get what you give to others in this life.

Related: Another Democrat Election Firewall Fails: Abortion Losing Its Magic as an Election Issue

The late Cormac McCarthy in his book “No Country for Old Men” summed up in literature what the culture of death means in modern American life. It is not a pretty picture.


Here a year or two back me and Loretta went to a conference... I got set next to this woman... she kept talkin about the right wing this and the right wing that. I aint even sure what she meant by it... She kept on, kept on. Finally told me, said: I dont like the way this country is headed. I want my granddaughter to be able to have an abortion. And I said well mam I dont think you got any worries about the way the country is headed. The way I see it goin I dont have much doubt but what she'll be able to have an abortion. I'm goin to say that not only will she be able to have an abortion, she'll be able to have you put to sleep. Which pretty much ended the conversation.


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