Boehner 1, Obama Ø

“Obama Jobs Speech [moves to] Thursday Night: President Gives In To Boehner Over Congress Joint Session Address,” Sam Stein sniffs at the Huffington Post. 


Though as James Taranto tweets, “Pyrrhic victory for Boehner. He still has to listen to the speech.”

Allahpundit asks the key exit question: “Er, who’s going to watch this instead of the Packers/Saints game? Besides you and me, I mean,” and adds:

Update: A good catch by New Yorker correspondent Ryan Lizza. Note in Carney’s statement that they’re now saying they merely “consulted” with Boehner’s office beforehand. Says Lizza, “‘Cleared’ officially downgraded to ‘consulted.’ So someone at WH anonymously passed along inaccurate information to several journos. Nice.”

All of which is leaving Jennifer Rubin wondering (a) how badly Obama is looking right now to non-political junkies and (b) how Karl Rove still gets it done

Update: From Michelle Malkin, “Photoshop fun: President O-bow-ma caves to Boehner.”


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