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Steve Green responds to Jennifer Rubin’s likely rhetorical question with a paraphrase of Oscar Hammerstein and Jerome Kern:

Jen Rubin on the most recent (and unexpected) jobs data:

This is going to make the Democrats’ position on taxes even more precarious. Do they really want to vote to subject anyone to a tax hike? I mean, at 10 percent or 12 percent unemployment (though we hope we don’t get to those figures), would they give up their class warfare shtick?


Sharks gotta swim, bats gotta fly, Dems gotta soak the rich ’til they cry.


Jennifer writes, “at 10 percent or 12 percent unemployment (though we hope we don’t get to those figures), would they give up their class warfare shtick?” Let’s answer that in video form, with gasoline prices rather than unemployment percentages:

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That’s far left Democrat  Ken Salazar in 2008, shortly before his current gig as Obama’s Secretary of the Interior. And speaking of Obama’s energy policy, as Jonah Goldberg writes, none dare call it rationing. His closing comments dovetail well with Jen and Steve’s remarks above:

I’d have a lot more respect for Obama if he came out and said, “You know all that stuff I said about doing everything possible to create good jobs here at home and get this economy moving again? Well, never mind.”

And Obama’s preparing to double down on his job and soul destroying policies to end-run the incoming Congress. Will the GOP discover its long-lost spine in response?


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