Presidential Metaphor of the Day

As the Blogprof writes,“Metaphor of the day: Dems say Obama rebound is coming, Obama gets 12 stitches in lip after basketball game.”

But then, “Something weird happens when presidencies go wrong,” John Podhoretz wrote in September:


Presidents become incompetent at doing the things they were always able to do in their sleep, and their aides follow suit. I noted this when I wrote my first book, Hell of a Ride, about the decline and fall of the first President Bush, back in 1993. When Bush spoke, it rained, and his advancemen weren’t quick-thinking enough to move his events indoors. When he went to Japan on a state visit, he vomited.

Jerry Ford, a former college football star, became known to the public, thanks to NBC, as being a clumsy oaf.

Jimmy Carter has his killer rabbit.

George W. Bush had the Dick Cheney shotgun incident.

Today, President Obama, who’s fond of both basketball and violent Godfather/Untouchables gangster movie metaphors, takes one right in the chops:

First he gets pounded in the midterms, then Kim Jong-il starts shelling South Korea, now he’s getting flagrantly fouled while shooting hoops with friends and family. What’s next? John Boehner putting a whoopee cushion on his chair during next week’s summit at the White House?

The question on every American’s mind at this hour: So, who’s getting audited?

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said the President received a dozen stitches after getting hit with an errant elbow during a Friday morning basketball game with White House aide Reggie Love and some unidentified family members at the Fort McNair military base in Washington.

A senior administration official said the cut was not caused by Love, a former player for Duke University who serves as the President’s personal assistant, but the official was still checking for more details on who caused the accident…

Aides said Obama was given a local anesthetic while receiving [12] stitches, and doctors used a smaller filament. That increases the number of stitches needed to patch up the tear, but it makes a tighter stitch so that the President’s scar on his lower lip should be smaller.

It’s cute that they’re pretending that they’re not sure who elbowed him even though we all know who did it. You learned a lesson today the hard way, champ: When you drive the lane on Hillary, you come strong or don’t come at all.


Or perhaps it was this distaff B-Ball player.

Update: Presidential assailant identified:

The White House has identified the person whose elbow injured President Barack Obama during a pickup game of basketball on Friday. His name is Rey Decerega and he works for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute.

Incidentally, just to tie this post in with Jonathan Last’s article on Id Force One, I’d say this quote from 2007 has now come full circle.


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