A Tale Of Two Veeps

Well, sort of: Byron York analyzes “Who is more respected, Sarah Palin or Al Gore?”

One is a former vice presidential candidate who has been vilified in much of the press. The other is a former two-term vice president who has been celebrated in much of the press. So which is more respected by the public at large?

In the Wall Street Journal/NBC poll released a few days ago, pollsters Peter Hart and Bill McInturff asked, “I’m going to mention some people who have served in public life at some point in the past decade. Please tell me which one or two of these people, if any, you have the most regard and respect for.” The list was filled with the predictable answers. The president was on top, named by 28 percent of respondents. Colin Powell was also way up there. But the striking thing is that Sarah Palin, after all the criticism that has been directed at her, finished tied for sixth place, respected by 13 percent of respondents, and Al Gore, after all the praise that has been directed at him, was in eighth place, respected by eight percent. (The poll was taken just before the global warming fiasco in Copenhagen, which seems unlikely to have a positive effect Gore’s ratings.)


Yes, comparing your opponents to “Digital Brownshirts” and global warming to the Holocaust, Kristallnacht, and the Civil Rights Movement just might cause you to lose some support amongst the populous.

Related: “PolitiFact Confirms Media’s ‘Palinoia.’”


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