"One Of The Most Ecologically-Wasteful Businesses Around"

Former screenwriter turned Maximum Pajamahadeen Roger Simon writes, “the movie industry, specifically film production, is one of the most ecologically-wasteful businesses around”:


I can think of dozens of instances, many of which I was involved in, in which no one ever gave the slightest thought to the ecological consequences of what we were doing. There were only two questions ever asked: Was it right creatively and how much did it cost, not necessarily in that order.

Never once, I hasten to add, did I hear the word “cost” attached to the environment, only to the studio’s pocketbook. I doubt that is changing in any real way. Maybe the studios are leading the charge on light bulbs and toilet paper these days, but you can bet you won’t hear Jeff Katzenberg advising Steven Spielberg to cut his shooting schedule to save on energy or cut down on greenhouse gases. This same duo was involved some years back in the brouhaha surrounding their efforts to build Dreamworks on the Ballona wetlands in Venice. They seemed anything but green at that time – 1995 – when it came to their work.

There’s a simple solution of course…


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