Off The Record, On The QT, From Her Lips To Yours

Between the politically-fueled Grammys, the death of Prozac-fueled Anna Nicole Smith, and the hydrogen and liquid oxygen-fueled past of Lisa Marie Nowak, the timing couldn’t be better for the debut of GlossLip, the gossip-fueled blog of Dawn Olsen, wife of Blogcritics founder Eric Olsen. “Celebrity Gossip From Our Lips To Yours“, is their slogan.


It’s all off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush, to borrow from Sid Hudgens’ old slogan.

(And if you simply can’t get enough of Anna Nicole Smith’s trainwreck life and death, don’t miss this recent post by Cathy Seipp on “The Loneliness of the Long Distance Bimbo”.)


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