CBS Cancels 60 Minutes II

So as he flies the blue lady of the skies into the sunset, we say “aloha, 5 O’clock Charlie” and return to our duties. Let me remind you the Weblog is open 24 hours for your dining and dancing pleasure.


(I know, I know, I ran that one before, when Dan signed off from The CBS Evening News. But I thought I’d dust it off again as the man who brought you RatherGate is further eased into the background by CBS, even as he accepts awards for his fine, fine journalism.)

Update: Speaking of the original 60 Minutes, its ratings aren’t exactly into the stratosphere these days–and its demographics are even worse.

Meanwhile, in an op-ed called, “Newsweek: A Dan Rather Rerun”, Brent Bozell writes, “How many eerie parallels are there between the CBS scandal and the Newsweek scandal? Let us count the ways“.


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