It’s an interesting clash of old and new media titans, isn’t it? On the one hand you have Quentin Tarantino, who previously had 5,222,638 uses of the N-Word — including out of the mouth of a character he himself portrayed, in 1994’s Pulp Fiction, and according to Variety, has a similar amount of N-drops in his latest movie, Django Unchained. Because no studio has the balls (I almost said good taste, but this is Hollywood after all) to say to Tarantino, “Look champ, we all loved Pulp Fiction, but how ’bout toning it down this time?” And no one can stop Matt Drudge from publishing whatever he wants to publish.
But the reaction to Drudge’s homepage from the left on Twitter is a reminder that “Hannah Arendt had it right”, as the late Sen. Pat Moynihan once told an interviewer. “She said one of the great advantages of the totalitarian elites of the twenties and thirties was to turn any statement of fact into a question of motive.” Or as the folks at Twitchy write, “rather than go after Tarantino for his apparent delight in liberal use of the N-word, many journalists and progressives are going after Drudge for his headline.”
The film itself? It takes Variety about nine paragraphs before it casually mentions that “To wit, the film problematically features no fewer than 109 instances of the ‘N word,’ most of them deployed either for laughs or alliteration.” Oh, is that all? Ho-hum. And the reviewer for the Hollywood Reporter that Drudge links to in his headline sits through over 100 uses of the N-word and merely sniffs, “A slave-turned-bounty hunter exacts bloody payback in Tarantino’s engagingly idiosyncratic reframing of American history.”
Which makes it sound like a 1974 TV Guide listing for the average bland ABC television movie of the week. Meanwhile, Drudge can still see where the real story is — and generate plenty of controversy and page views along the way.
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