'Anthony Weiner Has Convinced Me'

David Freddoso is having fun at the Washington Examiner:

[W]ith his clever media strategy, of appearing in public as much as possible and refusing to give any straight answers when asked direct questions, Anthony Weiner has convinced me. I am now certain that he is a liar who definitely sent the penis picture he is accused of sending.

I would like to think that this is some kind of clever move on his part — that he has concocted this entire incident as a way of helping his anticipated campaign for mayor of New York City. But that explanation fails Ockham’s Razor. The best explanation is that Weiner is really one of the stupidest people in Congress. Which is saying something.


Meanwhile, the Charlie Sheen Violent Torpedo of Truth tour Weiner’s disastrous media tour rolls on; click over for the full horrorshow videos, if you dare.

Related: At the Politico, “Weiner’s wife stays mum.”

Update: Occam’s Weiner.


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