Now is the time at Ed when we juxtapose!
Obama’s finest speeches do not excite. They do not inform. They don’t even really inspire. They elevate. They enmesh you in a grander moment, as if history has stopped flowing passively by, and, just for an instant, contracted around you, made you aware of its presence, and your role in it. He is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh, over color, over despair. The other great leaders I’ve heard guide us towards a better politics, but Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves, to the place where America exists as a glittering ideal, and where we, its honored inhabitants, seem capable of achieving it, and thus of sharing in its meaning and transcendence.
— Ezra Klein, Journolist founder, January 3, 2008.
“The Top Ten Reasons Conservatives Should Vote For Obama.”
— Andrew Sullivan, October 27, 2008 (Link safe; goes to a Dan Riehl post from yesterday.)
“I don’t know why anybody voted for Obama in the primaries.”
— Sullivan on MSNBC’s Chris Matthews show, yesterday. Pauline Kael could not be reached for comment.
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