Oh to be in England: Late last week, we had the 10/10 radical environmental group espousing what J.E. Dyer at Hot Air dubs “The Final Solution to the Global Warming Skeptic Question.” Hot on their heels comes another chilling moment from Airstrip One, as spotted by Scott Baker of Glenn Beck’s The Blaze blog, who writes:
Advice columnists in Britain are known as “agony aunts” (or uncles). Virginia Ironside is one. Her latest bit of advice has drawn outraged reaction from television viewers who caught her comments on the BBC yesterday. She appeared during a segment called, “Can abortion be a kindness?” Here’s the Daily Mail account of her comments:
Miss Ironside said: ‘If a baby’s going to be born severely disabled or totally unwanted, surely an abortion is the act of a loving mother.’
She added: ‘If I were the mother of a suffering child – I mean a deeply suffering child – I would be the first to want to put a pillow over its face… If it was a child I really loved, who was in agony, I think any good mother would.’
[youtube 5RAAhTL4Arg]
Actually, if they recorded a version for the German market, it would likely sound much more authentic, especially if they could work in the phrase, Lebensunwertes Leben.
(And as always, the pure absurdity of real life outpaces fiction.)
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