Helen Thomas Sure Can Pick an Audience

The Weasel Zippers blog links to video of Rabbi David Nesenoff on Fox and Friends this morning. As the Zippers note, Nesenoff says Helen Thomas made her now infamous anti-Semitic remarks to Nesenoff in front of a pair of teens wearing yarmulkes:


Here is video of Rabbi David Nesenoff on “Fox and Friends” this morning to talk about his encounter with Israel-hating White House Correspondent Helen Thomas. Nesenoff is the Rabbi who interviewed Thomas at a White House Event celebrating Jewish Heritage where Thomas said Israel should “get the hell out of Palestine,” and also said Jews should “go home” to “Poland and Germany.”

Nesenoff said his initial reaction to Thomas’ remarks was “Whoa,” because he had “two teenage impressionable young men” with him, both of whom were wearing skull caps. Thomas has since said she “regrets” the remarks.

Nesenoff said “it’s time” for Helen Thomas to go, and “it’s really disgusting for her” to continue as a member of the White House Press Corps. “She showed her colors,” the Rabbi said.

Rabbi Nesenoff is right. The revelation that she not only said these things, but did it deliberately in the presence of two Jewish teens (wearing skull caps) shows just how vile Helen Thomas has become in her hatred of Israel. As the Rabbi said, it’s time for her to go.


Will it happen? Former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer is on record as saying it should. But will the current administration toss Helen under its ever-growing bus? In matters both small and large, given that the current White House and its associates often share remarkably similar opinions as Thomas, I’m not holding my breath.

Update: Meryl Yourish and Lair Simon have a great idea: purchase a guest membership for Helen to the Washington Holocaust Museum.


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