Ward Churchill's Lawyer Threatens Lawsuit Over Canceled Bill Ayers Speech

Why yes, this is the very definition Of Blair’s Law in action! In case you’re not familiar with it, the namesake aphorism of the great Aussie blogger posits:


“The ongoing process by which the world’s multiple idiocies are becoming one giant, useless force.”

Case in point: Ward Churchill’s’ lawyer threatens lawsuit over canceled Bill Ayers speech:

LARAMIE, Wyo. — A Denver lawyer says he’ll sue the University of Wyoming unless it lets former 1960s radical William Ayers speak on campus.

David Lane sent the school a letter Monday saying he had been retained by student Meg Lanker. He contends the university violated the First Amendment when it canceled a speech Ayers was scheduled to give in March.

He gave the university until noon Wednesday to respond.

A university spokesman didn’t immediately return messages left after business hours Monday seeking comment.

Lane previously represented former University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill, who was dismissed for alleged plagiarism and research misconduct following criticism of an essay in which he compared some 9/11 victims to a Nazi.

That’s from the AP, whose headline reads, “Lawyer threatens suit over canceled Ayers speech.”

That they couldn’t mention Ayers’ name in the headline and whitewashed Churchill’s quote is proof that AP is increasingly deserving of being part of the melange contained within Blair’s Law as well. I found the article via PJM’s new homepage ticker, otherwise I would have missed it.


For the record, whereas AP writes that Churchill compared “some 9/11 victims to a Nazi,” Churchill meant the vast majority of them — at least all of those trapped within the towers. And the unnamed Nazi in the AP piece that Churchill name-dropped was notorious butcher Adolf Eichmann:

If there was a better, more effective, or in fact any other way of visiting some penalty befitting their participation upon the little Eichmanns inhabiting the sterile sanctuary of the twin towers, I’d really be interested in hearing about it.
Ward Churchill, from his September 11th essay

But hey, why pass on a jawdropping quote like that to your readers?

(And of course, Ayers’ slightly checkered past and rumors of a budding journalism career go unmentioned as well.)


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