Dhimmi Shelter

War, children, it’s just a shot away:

Is the Met afraid of Mohammed?

The Metropolitan Museum of Art quietly pulled images of the Prophet Mohammed from its Islamic collection and may not include them in a renovated exhibition area slated to open in 2011, The Post has learned.

The museum said the controversial images — objected to by conservative Muslims who say their religion forbids images of their holy founder — were “under review.”

Critics say the Met has a history of dodging criticism and likely wants to escape the kind of outcry that Danish cartoons of Mohammed caused in 2006.


mo-toon-9-09Coming from a professor at Yale, (which censors not just images of Mohammed but the words of F. Scott Fitzgerald) that’s pretty rich. But then, as the American Association of University Professors quipped when criticizing Yale Press over their refusal to republish the Danish Mohammed cartoons, “We do not negotiate with terrorists. We just accede to their anticipated demands.”


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