"If It's So Good Why Doesn't Congress Have To Be On It?"

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Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-MO) attempts to sell socialized medicine to his district; is met with the appropriate response: laughter and derision:


Here’s a one-and-a-half minute excerpt from Russ Carnahan’s (D-MO) healthcare forum on Monday. There are a couple of humorous moments from the event, and then it concludes with TheBlackSphere.net–Kevin Jackson–asking: “If it’s so good why doesn’t Congress have to be on it?”

Jim Hoft, St. Louis’ Gateway Pundit adds:

They weren’t buying into his obvious mistruths about Obama’s plan to socialize the nation’s health care system. Great job, St. Louis!

* * *

It was a rough day for Carnahan– First he got clobbered on the radio, then this.

As Glenn Reynolds and Jim Geraghty have noted, while it takes a fair amount of protesters in one large outdoor location to make a statement, it takes fewer less who actually show up at their town meetings to spook socialists used to getting their own way while their constituents look the other way.

Related: Speaking of Geraghty, he asks, “Hey, How Did We Fall Behind France, Brazil, Iceland, Egypt and Peru?”

Presume, for a moment, that the numbers provided to the Economist‘s table of each country’s output, prices and jobs chart are accurate.

If that is the case, the U.S. unemployment rate of 9.5 percent is worse than than the most recent numbers available for many, many countries, including France, Greece, Italy, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Egypt, Israel, Iceland, Lithuania, Peru, Philippines, Ukraine, and Vietnam.

(I’m just picking out the counties that seem surprising. I mean, didn’t the Icelandic economy collapse? Aren’t most of the European countries supposed to be sluggish and held down by heavy regulation, unionized labor forces, and high tax rates? And I figure the Egyptian number has to be unreliable, since my sense when I visited in 2003 was that once you removed those who sit all day in an empty store sipping tea, the employment rate was somewhere around ten percent.)


Building a bridge to the 1930s!

Update: “Hello, I’m you’re new doctor…”



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