Paging Mr. Mondale. Mr. Mondale to the Blue Courtesy Phone...

Via Orrin Judd, we discover that: “A top economic advisor to Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry said the public won’t hear Kerry’s financial plans until after he’s elected–if he’s elected“:


In the Aug. 2 cover story of “Business Week,” former Clinton administration treasury secretary Robert Rubin said, “I don’t think you can make proposals to try to dig out of this hole until you’ve gotten elected … If you start to put out proposals now, they would be vigorously attacked and they would in effect become tainted so they couldn’t be used.”

The conservative group Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) stated that Kerry is trying to avoid revealing his plan to increase taxes on the middle-class because it would create a campaign liability if he did.

In a release, the group stated that Kerry’s plan to roll back President Bush’s tax cuts for the top earners “will yield him only $40 to $60 billion per year, far below the more than $200 billion of new spending commitments he has promised to special interests who feed off of American taxpayers.”

“In other words,” ATR stated, “if Kerry is elected, middle-class tax increases are coming.”

As Orrin writes, “They’ll have to back down on this within days because it’s just too easy to portray as a secret tax hike plan.”


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