SILLY SEASON IN SOUTH AFRICA: Ronald Bailey looks at this week’s “World Summit on Sustainable Development” in Johannesburg. I love this excerpt:
A hardy band of anti-globalization activists are denouncing the WSSD as a part of the “corporate global agenda.” On Saturday, South African police, using tear gas and stun grenades, broke up an unsanctioned demonstration by a hodge podge of the more extreme activist groups. South African Foreign Minister Nkosazana Diamini-Zuma made it clear at a press conference that illegal demonstrations will not be allowed. “In South Africa, there is no anarchy, there is law,” she said. And there is something pathetically amusing, or maybe just pathetic, about a bunch of anarchists demanding stronger, more centralized and more intrusive global governance. Kropotkin must be spinning in his grave.
Not to mention Nicola Sacco.
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