Twisting Title IX

I am reading an excellent book by Robert Shibley entitled Twisting Title IX (Encounter Broadsides). Shibley is executive director of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE). If you don’t know anything about the organization FIRE, look at their website and get acquainted with their amazing work. They are sometimes the only organization willing to stand for men at colleges and their due process rights. Here is their website for more information.


Anyway, back to this important book. From the description:

This is the story of how Title IX, a 1972 law intended to ban sex discrimination in education, became a monster that both the federal government and many college administrators treat as though it supersedes both the U.S. Constitution and hundreds of years of common law. It’s a story about the victims of this law—men and women both—and of the unaccountable government bureaucrats at the Departments of Education and Justice who repeatedly prioritize an extreme brand of politics over free speech, fundamental fairness, and basic human decency. But while help may come too late for many of the present victims of Title IX abuse, there are still measures that colleges and courts can take to curb these abuses until Congress acts—or we see a Presidential administration that cares more about restoring justice and the rule of law than it does about sex and gender politics.

The book describes the fear that male students have in suing the Office For Civil Rights (OCR) as in the internet age, their name can be dragged through the mud and they may never be able to get a job, get into grad school or even get a date if they are viewed as a potential rapist. But then, these are men and at this point in our culture, there is little sympathy for the discrimination against them by the government as well as some feminist groups and their supporters.


This book looks at remedies and suggests that we all must help: “those who care about free speech, the rule of law, and government accountability must come off the sidelines and vigorously resist these abuses as soon as they happen and regardless of the target–not just when their own interests are finally in the feds’ crosshairs.”


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