Campus Commies at the University of Texas Vandalize Fountain to Celebrate International Women’s Day

Revolutionary Student Front vandalizes fountain. Image via Twitter.

An Austin-based “anti-capitalist” group has taken credit for the spray-painted graffiti found Thursday morning on a portion of a fountain at the University of Texas.  Sometime overnight, the vandals tagged the fountain with a message that read: “This is the blood of survivors that UT ignores,” along with a drawing of a hammer and sickle to mark International Working Women’s Day.


According to the Statesman, the radicals also put dye in the water, forcing crews to have to empty the fountain, clean it and refill it.

Crews used pressure washers to remove the graffiti, which UT said caused the water in the fountain to turn purple.

University of Texas police said they are investigating the vandalized fountain. However, the Revolutionary Student Front -Austin, a violent anarcho-communist group on campus, has already taken credit on Twitter. The group showcased their vandalism and advocated for “the necessity of organizing women for revolutionary violence against the capitalist institutions that uphold patriarchy.”



A number of people on Twitter pointed out that RSF’s actions were causing grief to the very people they purport to help.

RSF had an answer for that. If those poor slobs have to work all day at slave wages anyway, they may as well be cleaning up their God-awful mess.

This is the same group, according to Far Left Watch, that calls for dead police officers and routinely holds “self defense” training on campus.

RSF has also tried to recruit students with mental health problems to join their struggle against capitalist oppressors.

According to the Statesman, hammer and sickle graffiti appeared on Feb. 5 outside the School of Pharmacy’s building  targeting UT professor Richard Morrisett, who recently pleaded guilty in a domestic abuse case. The graffiti read: “Careful! UT Keeps abusers on staff!” and “Watch your back Richard.”


And last week, the antifa vandals also defaced election signs on the UT campus, where voters were casting early ballots in the Texas primaries.

How ever will the capitalist patriarchy be able to withstand all of these devastating, revolutionary actions?


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