Mizzou and Yale PC Hysteria Spreads to Other Campuses

Like a virus, PC hysteria is spreading from campus to campus in America, threatening to kill its hosts.

First came an embarrassing imbroglio at Yale over politically incorrect comments made by professors Nicholas and Erika Christakis regarding Halloween costumes. In an email, Nicholas criticized the school’s efforts to censor Halloween costumes, daring to point out that college campuses have become “places of censure and prohibition.” The snowflakes screamed, cried, and hurled profanities at Nicholas Christakis before stomping off to their safe spaces; a confrontation between one well-heeled social justice warrior and the professor was captured on video.


That student was widely mocked and derided for her tantrum. But that didn’t stop SJWs at the University of Missouri from forming a Jacobin mob, demanding scalps over a very few — and unsubstantiated — racial incidents at their school.

No one has been able to clearly explain what exactly the president and chancellor of Mizzou did to spur calls for their resignations. The vague grievances simplify to nothing more than a general sense that they somehow could have prevented hypersensitive students from getting their feelings hurt. They didn’t provide a “safe space,” another inexplicable term.

Predictably, special snowflakes on other American college campuses took notice, as there’s nothing mollycoddled children love more than attention, claiming victimhood, and power.

Students at Ithaca College have started to protest their college president. His sins include not adequately “foster[ing] growth to [their] consciousness of oppression and privilege”:

The protest was organized by the group People of Color at Ithaca College to express their concerns about racism on campus. They called for a vote of no confidence against Ithaca President Tom Rochon, as well as for Rochon to step down.

During the protests earlier today, The Ithaca Journal reports, one student asked, “How can a campus dedicated to preparing us for the real world not actively foster growth to our consciousness of oppression and privilege?”

There was a die-in and a silent demonstration amid the day of protests, all to get administrators to take their concerns seriously.


Students at the University of Michigan rallied in “solidarity with Mizzou,” because they brought down the college president and that’s super empowering and stuff. Via Twitchy:

At Vanderbilt, an online student petition is demanding the suspension of Professor of Law and Political Science Carol Swain for being “hateful” toward minorities. A fun twist in this particular purge? She herself is a minority:

The fact that Professor Swain is black is no insulation from these charges. Swain’s apostasy is that she has made politically incorrect statements about radical Islam and her traditional Christian beliefs, statements that the petitioners deem intolerant and which the University, therefore, must  not tolerate — tolerance, of course, being a one-way street. Without any apparent sense of irony, the petitioners make the inevitable demand that Swain be sent to diversity training camp (along with the rest of the faculty) so that she will think and speak in a manner approved by the commissars of political correctness.


The liberal faculties who now have to deal with this nightmare have themselves to blame for their part in fostering this virus. But most of the blame lies where it incubated: the homes that created these toxic superbugs known as “social justice warriors.”


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